Monday, February 4, 2013

Succession Planning

Some people leave behind monuments. Some people leave a legacy of lives.
The lives can explain the monuments.
But monuments often times stand silent with no explanation.
Your company and product is the best in the business. Your church or ministry is thriving. You're in the best of health. Then, Suddenly comes along. Who is Suddenly? Suddenly is any unexpected event that shifts you inadvertently out of the way. Suddenly, your health deteriorates. Suddenly, a death or illness of a family member alters your course. Suddenly, a financial crisis occurs that leaves you reeling, trying to catch your breath. Suddenly, a faithful member of your organization dies and leaves a void of epic proportions. What do you do?
No one looks for Suddenly, yet if you live long enough, you meet Suddenly at least once in your lifetime. So, what do you do? Well, if you have a plan, if you have a Successor for the plan, your actions will be guided in a proactive way, rather than reactive way.
Having a Plan

Before you can have an effective Successor to take over, there should be a plan in place. We live in a day and age where it is so easy to do things off the cuff. The explosion of information has created a culture of copy and paste, rather than serious study and seeking, and searching for knowledge. Contrary to popular belief, the internet does not contain all information, and many times information can be misleading, incomplete, or inaccurate, especially when articles are written in 'real time'.
Whether you are leading a company or leading your children, you should have some guiding principles and some vision for your life, spiritually, physically, intellectually, relationally, and professionally.   Habbakkuk 2:3, encourages the writing of vision to make it plain to those who come after you. They can read it and run with it. Many great visions have died with the Visionary. Many books are left incomplete or unwritten, the author unexpectedly passing on, and leaving no outline of what they wanted to say. Many families have been left in upheaval and some destroyed by a lack of planning on the part of the deceased. In so many areas, it is necessary to have a plan, yet many leave this part of their life untended to.
Having a Successor
Throughout the Bible, we can see what happens when there is a Successor, and when there is not. David's successor, Solomon was prepared by his Father to take over. David left a blue print for his Son, not only of natural things like building the temple of God, but also wisdom he had learned both from good and bad decision-making. He also left his Son in no doubt as to what posed a threat to the Kingdom. David did not die leaving his son unware of what state the Kingdom was in. Jesus, the ultimate example of succession planning, led by example, teaching the Disciples by word, by deed, and by principle. Jesus had confidence that they would so a greater work than what he had begun on the Earth. Jesus corrected, rebuked, prayed for, taught, fellowshipped, and encouraged The Disciples. He gave them a clear vision, mission, and purpose to carry out. The work was so great, that Jesus did not pick one successor, but twelve, and entrusted them to leave the Gospel in the hands of capable teachers.
Spotting a Successor
Visionaries can spot visionaries. Joseph's father tells the story of his son the Dreamer. Jacob too was a dreamer. Joseph carried many of the qualities of his father. So will your successor. Often times they are a younger you with plenty of energy and little experience.
Intergrity is their guiding principle. Look for those who have a strong sense of integrity, who will not compromise their personal standard. Paul commanded Timothy to entrust the Gospel to the right people.
Submissive to Authority. Successors exhibit and demonstrate humility. It takes confidence and humility to serve under someone else. Luke 16:11 expresses the fact that a man should be found faithful in the care of another man's work. Successors are willing to carry a vision and fulfill the goals of that vision.
Insight, Inspiration, and Innovation are natural to them. Successors should be able to see what you see. This does not mean the way they carry out vision will be exactly like you, but it will have the same mission and goal. They should rely on God for insight and inspiration. When you find the man or woman who can see your heart and bring it out into the open, you have found a Successor.
Open to Growth and Change. Successors are people who are malleable and are willing to grow, to change, to follow God's leading. They are willing to take risks, challenge the status quo, admit their mistakes, learn from them and correct them.
Nurturing and can be nurtured. Successors care about people more than products. They cultivate relationships understanding that relationships can determine the momentum of a vision. They mentor and they have mentors. They are giving. passing down wisdom, while continuing to recieve wisdom and expand what they know. They are teachable and are willing to admit they do not have all the answers.
Do You Have A Successor?
Well, do you have a Successor? Do you have someone you can count on or look to just in case Suddenly shows up? Will the people around you feel wearied, burned out, frustrated, or angry because you left them no plan, no Successor, in the case of life altering events? Whether you are a Parent, a Teacher, a Fortune 500 CEO, or a Pastor, you need a plan and you need a Successor.
What is a God-Parent? A Successor. What is a Substitute Teacher? A temporary Successor. What is the Vice President? A Successor. What is the Assistant Pastor or Co-Pastor or Executive Pastor? A Successor. Did you leave a plan? If  Suddenly showed up, would Successor be able to stand up confidently to him and say, "It is well"?
As Next Generation Leaders, let us take the time to ask God to show us the Successors in our midst. Then let us train them by word and action. Let us not leave any area of our lives unprepared to the best of our ability. When we have done what is in our power to do through God's wisdom, we can face Suddenly head-on with no fear. So, I encourage you, to shove fear aside, and face the future courageously, equipped with power, purpose, and a plan from the Lord. If we ask for wisdom, God will give it to us. Let His wisdom guide you!