Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fire The Factors

  “Don’t fall victim to what I call the ‘ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome.’ You must be willing to fire.” 
T. Boone Pickens

I want to encourage you today to fire the factors. The factors are the things that weigh against your faith. They try to smother the voice of God in your decision making. Here are the FACTORS you should fire: 

Fear that slows momentum- this type of fear rather than wise caution causes you to be paralyzed. You make no decision at all which is still a decision. 

Anxiety that stirs dust- anxiety is like a Dust Bowl, kicking up a lot of debris, and blind your vision. You need your sight for where you are headed. 

Criticism that beats down- Constructive advice is always seeking to build you up and make you better not tickle your ears. Destructive criticism has no improvement in sight or as it's end goal. It is never wrong to ask your critic, "What's your end goal? Do you want to see me better or beaten?" A life-giving critic won't hesitate to give you the truth.

Traditions that bog downThe difficulty to move forward can sometimes lie in the traditions that tie us down. Sentimentality has thwarted many a vision. You can honor without holding onto dead things. Ask God for the wisdom.

Oracles that aren't wise- Guiding your life by wives' tales, fables, and cliches is not a very good guide. Older doesn't always mean wiser. Find people who are living out and speaking the language of the Bible, and by that I mean the Principles, not necessarily Greek and Hebrew. 

Returning to the Familiar- This can often set in when our plan fails to launch, backfires, lacks support, or lacks supply. You may face opposition, but if God promised it, he will bring it to pass. Don't be so quick to throw in the towel at the first sign of difficulty. 

Stress-Driven decisions- Don't let a temporary pressure cause you to make a permanent decision that could take you years, even decades to recover from. Avoid haste at all costs. Let the Holy Spirit drive you with his Fruit Factors found in Galatians 5:22-23

I pray that you will fire these factors and improve your servant leadership starting NOW.