Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Entitlement Generation

This is a prophetic message. Let's make that clear. So, if you don't believe in prophets or the voice of God, go ahead and exit.

Great, now we can move on.

This is the "Entitlement Generation", the Lord told me. Knowing God is Omniscient, I asked him to break that down for me and put it in layman's terms.

Entitlement means a guarantee of access to benefits based on established "rights" or by legislation. Yes, we live in the time where everyone is asserting their rights and very few are tuned into the Creator's Rights to define and shape and mold the destiny of His Creation.

We are living in the "I deserve it, it's my due, it's my time, it's my season" generation. Well, there's a few problems with this sort of manifesto: What happens when the benefits you have been guaranteed access to are not available, or better yet, simply don't exist, and won't exist for another 10-20 generations? The other issue is many think they "deserve" benefits
  • without any effort on their part
  • without any work input
  • without any character to maintain what they recieve
  • without any permission or authority obtained
Much like the prodigal son who sqandered his inheritance, we find a generation who "do what is right in their own eyes." This type of thinking is not new under the sun, but the intensity at which we see this attitude and the behaviors associated with it has increased and become unprecedented. We have breastfed a generation on "B's & H's" , "thug life", and "do what thou wilt". The Just Do It slogan has rapidly morphed into Just Take It. If we dig into the sciptures, we will find a young prophet in training, who had fallen into this Entitled Mindset:

20 Gehazi was the servant of Elisha, the man of God. Gehazi said to himself, "My master was too easy on Naaman from Aram. He should have accepted the gift he brought. I'm going to run after Naaman. I'm going to get something from him. And that's just as sure as the LORD is alive."  
21 Gehazi hurried after Naaman. Naaman saw him running toward him. So he got down from the chariot to greet him. "Is everything all right?" he asked.
22 "Everything is all right," Gehazi answered. "My master sent me to say, 'Two young men from the company of the prophets have just come to me. They've come from the hill country of Ephraim. Please give them 75 pounds of silver and two sets of clothes.'
23 "I wish you would take twice as much silver," said Naaman. He begged Gehazi to accept it. Then Naaman tied up 150 pounds of silver in two bags. He also gave Gehazi two sets of clothes. He gave all of it to two of his own servants. They carried it ahead of Gehazi.
24 Gehazi came to the hill where Elisha lived. Then the servants handed the things over to Gehazi. He put them away in Elisha's house. He sent the men away, and they left.  
25 Then he went back inside the house. He stood in front of his master Elisha. "Gehazi, where have you been?" Elisha asked. "I didn't go anywhere," Gehazi answered.  
26 But Elisha said to him, "Didn't my spirit (heart) go with you? I know that the man got down from his chariot to greet you. Is this the time for you to accept money or clothes? Is it the time to take olive groves, vineyards, flocks or herds? Is it the time to accept male and female servants?  
27 You and your children after you will have Naaman's skin disease forever." Then Gehazi left Elisha. And he had Naaman's skin disease. His skin was as white as snow.   (2 Kings 5)

What got Gehazi into trouble? His false sense of entitlement. I won't go into great detail because there is much to pull out of the text, I'd like to mention a few things God told me:
  • What you think internally about what you deserve will determine your outward actions
  • Blessings are supposed to run you down, not the other way around
  • Name dropping can get you cursed or killed; if you are name dropping to get what you want, that may be an indication that your gift hasn't made room for you to recieve it
  • Don't disguise your greed as benevolence; Gehazi invented a need to gain access to gifts illegally
  • Just because it is offered to you, doesn't mean you have a right to it, especially if you used deciet & manipulation
  • Those who are connected to you know what's in your heart, whether it be good or evil
  • Recieving out of time what God has promised can curse you and your future generations
Gehazi, as Elisha's successor stood to recieve the mantle passed down by Elijah. Instead of the mantle, he and his future generations recieved a malady, an illness that was passed down due to sin. Aren't you glad that God doesn't give us what we deserve? Through the blood of Christ, we can be set free from the curse of sin, not just our own, but those committed by our previous generations!

There are three major things plaguing the Entitlement Generation. Many are Directionless, which leads to Hopelessness, which brings forth Lawlessness. But, praise God, who has given us the Spiritual weapons to combat all three.

We must instill
The Word of God which brings Direction
The Life of Prayer which fuels our Hope & Faith in God
The Life of Self-Discipline which  establishes Boundaries

Please join me in prayer:
Father, thank you for speaking this Word. I pray for those who are without direction, without hope, and without boundaries. I pray Father that you will give them vision, clarity, direction and purpose. I thank you that they will operate through Your Empowerment rather than entitlement. I thank you now, that this is the generation that seeks Your face, humbles themselves, casts their anger and frustration at Your feet, and allow you to place in their hands, hearts, minds, and mouths, the Word of Faith, Life, and Peace. May those who have sat back rise up and Empower their generation beyond a movement or a moment, beyond murmuring and complaining. May they occupy themselves in knowing You so that Your will can be done in the Earth. Amen & So Be It!

Unmasking Jezebel & Ahab

 The first thing you should be aware of is that where there are true prophets, love, faith, service, and perseverance, you will find Jezebel and her counterpart, Ahab working to counterfeit God’s presence and turn people away from the living God to serve the god of flesh. The next thing you should be aware of is that this is an ancient spirit, operating for thousands of years and has more experience with human nature than you do. The third thing you should know is that Jezebel and Ahab spirit can operate in a man or woman.  They operate as a team to the detriment of peoples, nations, kingdoms, and churches. See Rev. 2:18 Church at Thyatira. So, this team can take the form of two men, two females, or male & female in a leadership capacity.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comparison/Contrast Jezebel & Ahab Here are some characteristics of each taken from 1Kings 16-21, 2Kings 9-10, and Revelation 2. These characteristics are in no particular order and are by no means exhaustive.

Manipulating people, circumstances
Manipulated by people; moved by circumstances
Controlling people, circumstances, outcomes
Controlled by people, circumstances, and outcomes
Sensual and seducing spirit
Easily enticed; will build monuments to whatever entices
Spiritual hit man- hit woman
Operates with a sense of false entitlement
Hedonistic; lover of pleasure
Covetous; lusts for another’s inheritance
Devoid of a moral compass
Inconsistent moral compass; can be led or misled
Master planner & organizer (works through letters and messengers
Poor planner; does not organize or take heed to warning
Behind the scenes operator of schemes &devices
Passive in leadership ; operates as a figurehead
Planter of false evidence & accusations in minds
Complainer; fault finder
Mass murderer
Acquiesces to evil plots 
Operates in sabotage & legislated hate campaigns
Thinks everything and everyone has a price
Excellent writer and communicator of evil deeds
Poor communicator; internalizes issues; shuts down
Hates truth; the law of God or any truth bearer
At odds with righteousness and the messengers of it
Is generous and lavish with those who don’t question her authority & support evil causes
Wants what is not rightfully his at any cost; wants what is convenient and appeases vanity
Embodies the spirit of revenge & retaliation
Embodies the spirit of passivity and carnal appetite
The spirit of Ahab reports to it, submits and passively yields to its demands
Reports to the Spirit of Jezebel; gives away authority; does not do good when in his power to do
Seeks to kill/assassinate the messengers of truth
Allows the assassination of innocent people
Seeks to steal the  inheritance of God’s people
Pushed by the spirit of Jezebel to open defiance of God
Seeks to destroy the impact of the Word of God in any generation
Capable of repenting but will not live a sustained life of godliness or faithfulness
Takes authority given by default or passivity
Hands over any semblance of responsibility
Uses sensuality as a means of persuasion or to get off the hook for breaking covenant with God
Obtains through murder and force what is not theirs
Uses religion as a means to assassinate /sabotage
Fasts only because lusts are denied, not to crucify them
Gains by lying & assassinating (physically or spirit)
Allows others to prostitute his authority and abuse their leadership position
Instigates and initiates open defiance of God
Uses religion to get mercy for himself then returns to ungodliness
Emasculates men (priests were eunuchs dressed in women’s clothing)
Takes possession/ownership illegally

Other Facts to Note:

Ø  Jezebel means unmarried. This spirit is only in union with itself and serves its own purposes.
Ø  Ahab means father’s brother. It could denote that the wicked practice was his father sleeping with his own mother. This would make Ahab both son and brother to the former King. This would not be uncommon in the practice of idol worship and cold explain why God thought his father was detestable and why Ahab went on to perform worse and was noted as the wickedest king in Israel.
Ø  Jezebel was steeped in idol worship through her Father Ethbaal, King of Sidon.
Ø  Under Ahab’s rule Jericho was refortified (something God cursed in Josh 6:22) by Hiel, who sacrificed his first and lastborn sons to do so
Ø  Elijah hid out for 3 years in Zarephath,  in Sidon, right under her nose.
Ø  The drought was the worst in Samaria, Ahab’s headquarters, founded by his wicked father, and center of Baal and Ashteroth worship.
Ø  100 prophets were in hidden by 50 in caves and fed bread and water by Obadiah, Ahab’s servant who feared God
Ø  God said 7,000 had not bowed their knee and kissed Baal even though Elijah felt alone
Ø  The showdown at Mt. Carmel was pretty audacious that he would drench an altar in the time of drought. He had to believe that rain was on the way. God wants a saturated worship!
Ø  Prophets can get wearied by the war even after they’ve won a battle; watch out for depression and suicide and the woe is me blues due to revenge and retaliation they face
Ø  God will protect, provide for, strengthen, encourage, speak to, and give you a plan if you are his to keep you. LISTEN for His still small voice. You aren’t the only one serving
Ø  Prophets anoint kings and their own prophetic successors. They foretell and forth tell.
Ø  Jezebel was thrown to her death by what she was once empowered by: emasculated men (authority)
Ø  Jezebel spirit only gives a seat of honor if planning to target you for assassination
Ø  Sex is used as a means of ritual worship for Jezebel spirit.
Ø  Jezebel rebuked Ahab for not abusing his kingship authority and leadership role
Ø  David set this spirit in motion by operating in it before Kingdom split with his son (2 Sam 11:14-15) when he used sabotage, letters, and plotted to have Uriah killed so he could unlawfully possess Bathsheba as wife. Even in the New Testament, in Jesus’ lineage, she is still listed as Uriah’s wife, not David’s.
About the Idol Worship of the Day (Baal &Ashtoreth)

v  Baal – lord, possessor; sun god of Phoenicia; seen as lord of heaven; supreme deity of the Canaanites, equal to the Greek god Zeus. Human sacrifices were offered to appease Baal, particularly male children.
v  Ashtoreth; Asherah – totem pole god; female idol; worshipped in Sidon; wife  of Baal; queen of heaven; her priests were eunuchs dressed in women’s attire; they were responsible for regulating the ritualistic sex acts so they had to be sexless
v  Women devotees were prostitutes for male devotees whose orgies formed the main part of the worship carried on in temples, gardens, and high places- this was the beginning of the cult of the goddesses
v  This came from Babylon where Ishtar was worshipped with immoral rites by bands of men and women
v  Jezebel &Ahab saw themselves as Baal and Ashtoreth in bodily form most likely
v  Jehu came and completely wiped out all the followers of Baal left after Jezebel and Ahab’s death, but he did not turn back from following all other idols.

Lesson: As Next Generation Leaders we must utterly eradicate what God says and what offends God or it  will continue and strengthen and refortify itself in the next generation.
Blessings to you, and keep speaking the truth to the next generation!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Plumbline Of Leadership

Leadership. Everybody wants to be one or be under a good leader. So, what exactly defines a good leader? Titus 1: 5-9 gives a simple picture into the qualities of a good leader.

The first thing Paul admonishes Titus to do is to appoint leaders in every town.
Leadership is appointed authority. It is not appointed dictatorship. Leading has to do with the art of delegating responsibilites, not dropping them and never providing any insight.

Leaders are committed to their families. This is a huge point that cannot be stressed enough. The Lord told me that Family is the first model of the Church. It is the picture of The Bridegroom (Christ) and the Bride (Church) and the fruit that is produced out of Oneness (More Children of God).

The Lord posed this question to me: If the spouses and children of leaders were the determining factor in whether they would be licensed for minstry work or appointed to a position, would the leaders we now have in place still be there? Good question. I believe you are no greater in your ministry life than you are in your family life.

Will children go their own way? Certainly. But the Word of God says it is the responsibility to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. There are many who simply give their families leftover time, prayer, fellowship and pour themselves out to the detriment of the family unit. The nation of Israel's strength was not determined by the size of their army but by the number of families. Families show the strength of a community. We must as leaders recognize that family time is just as important as sermon preparation.

Paul gives some defining qualities of Leaders. Check them out:
  • able to be a model
  • not pushy
  • not short-tempered or impatient
  • not addicted to substances
  • not a bully
  • not in it for the money
  • welcoming to people
  • helpful and willing to help
  • wise
  • fair and doesn't play favorites
  • can't be bribed or brown-nosed
  • respects God's house, presence, and values human life and creation
  • sober-minded
  • sound in Bible doctrine
  • knows how to oppose false teaching without losing true seekers
  • knows how to speak out on what makes for sound doctrine
  • demonstrates love
  • joy is evident
  • expresses peace in difficulty
  • patience with others
  • kindness and speech and behavior
  • goodness towards others
  • faithfulness to promises and tasks
  • gentleness with others
  • self-control in actions and words
Well, how did you measure up to the Word? I encourage you as a leader, to do self-checks as often as you groom. Spiritual grooming allows us to be ready to face a Hope-Hostile World. The plumbline is not the one we set but it is what will settle every argument and silence nay-sayers. It is set by God and
is the plumbline that will remain when all else fails!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

One of the major challenges to any next generation leader is staying...staying...what was I saying? Ah...Staying focused. You get the point. In the techno-savvy, high speed, fast paced society in which we live where it appears as if you must be doing soemthing important if you are in a hurry, there is the need to keep the main thing the main thing. I am of course referring to the thing that holds our very existence and faith together: the Gospel or as Eugene Peterson aptly coined, The Message.

If you are new to this thing called minstry, or launching a church, or overseeing an area of ministry, it can be a daunting task. I am so glad that the Bible was written for next generation church leaders and continues to speak to us. I return to Titus, which is fast becoming one of my favorite books in the Bible. Titus is a user-friendly look into church leadership and organization. I love the fact that it begins by first helping you to know who is instructing and then what the goals and objectives are. Sounds like a crash course in Vision Casting. In verses 1-4, there are four main objectives laid out if you dig a little.

Four Main Objectives to Promote The Main Man (Jesus):

1. You are called to promote the faith among God's chosen people. Public service announcement here: yes, the Jews, the LGBT community, the Republicans, the Democrats, in short, every demographic in every sphere should be presented with the truth of God's Word and His Son, Jesus Christ. No one should be considered "off limits". God took the limits off when he tore the veil of the temple and completed the requirements of the law with the blood of Christ. It opened the way for the Message of Grace. God chooses those who accept Him.

2. You are called to publish and get out the Accurate Word on God. Notice the key word is accurate. There is a lot of things being said about God that doesn't reflect God's complete work or His character. The only way we can be sure about what we publish is to study what the Author and Finisher of Our Faith wrote. Many times young leaders look to pop culture to guide the way, rather than getting into the Word for themselves. and (not real sites that I know of )are resources, not an excuse for not seeking God or His revelatory truth for your personal growth. Don't get into the habit of quoting something before you know that it has its foundation in truth. It can come back to bite you.

3. You are called to teach how to rightly respond to the Word. There are a variety of ways to do this, but one of the most effective ways is by living out the truth yourself. If you treat the things of God irreverently, those you lead and those who look up to you will do the same. If you give more time to Facebook than to putting your face in The Book, those who fellowship with you will do the same. If you treat the presence of God as a casual observance, your ministry team will too. If you don't think being on time for prayer, for serving, for meetings, for events (You can tell this is a pet peeve, right?) matters, then don't expect your team members to make it priority( By the way, slothfulness is a sin). We are creatures of pattern and habit. Just look at any child; their behaviors, more than anything mirror what is modeled before them.

4. You are entrusted to build the Hope Life of the Believer by pointing the way to life without end. It is hard to build hope if you live in the land of  Paranoia, off in Pessimistic Valley on Doubter's Drive. The words you speak, the message you share in your small group, life group, Sunday service, mid-week worship may be the only lifesaver some will reach for all week. Don't give them a rope and then drop it. Don't throw out a lifesaver with a hole in it. Provide sound doctrine through the Word of God. Here's one: Jesus promised that if we believe in Him, He will never make us ashamed. That's hope in times of economic uncertainty. Not only is it hope, but it's the TRUTH. Many who are unemployed or underemployed can leave your presence knowing you gave them TRUTH to stand on, not just a catchy phrase or vain philosophy.

I encourage you to be bold, to be strong, to stay focused. The Word of God, as one pastor said, will make its own gravy. Dish out the Word in it's original flavor, and watch it add life to the hearers.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Knowing Who You Are

There seems to be a rampant disease infecting the Body of Christ right now. It's called identity crisis. This disease affects nearly everything about a believer and more seriously, it affects how they will lead. When you don't know who you are in Christ as a leader, you will lead from a place of fear, and not faith, from a place of paranoia, and not power, from a place of suspicion, and not trust, from a place of insecurity, and not from a place of assurance in Christ.

I became a minister at the seemingly tender age of 19, and I can honestly say, very little has changed about how people react to a young woman doing ministry under 40. As a next generation leader, you cannot afford to lead by the seat of your pants. You can't afford to lead based on how people feel. As a poet said, "your playing small doesn't serve the world." I agree. We have a real enemy that is out to use anyone who is open to be used. Often times the way he enters the church is through another sister or brother who is not quite sure of their own place in the Body of Christ. Insecurity, envy, and jealousy can set in, which opens them up to whispering, gossiping, malice, and sowing discord amongst the bretheren, all in an effort to discredit their brother or sister to take the emphasis off the real issue: lack of self-esteem or God confidence.

I can point out three men in the Bible who experienced what I call "legislated hate campaigns". Daniel, David, and Mordecai were men of prominence, who were operating under God's power and authority, and people took issue with it. Let me make clear that none of these men were seeking a position of prominence. They were gifted with certain skills and abilities, and that alone made them the target.

Some, right now, are finding themselves the target of smear campaigns, hate campaigns, simply for being who you are. Cheer up! If you are following God, He is with you, as he was with Joseph. Your hiding your gifts and skills are not going to stop the attacks. I encourage you to submit yourself to God and let Him defend you. The attacks against you are only meant to lure you into a place of bitternes, anger, pride, or retaliation, which would render your effectiveness null and void.

There are five things you should understand about who you are, especially if you are a young leader:

1. You are Christ's agent. You carry out God's plan and not your own. You don't have to justify God's agenda. He has a way of making known his will to those who would come against it. Time and again in scripture God spoke directly to those who opposed Him or His people.

2. You are a legitimate Son in the Faith. Why is this important? If no one ever mentors you physically, takes you under their wing, or validates you, God has accepted you as His. He is Father God, and nothing can surpass his rulership. I've seen leaders abuse this title as a means of control and abuse, and manipulation. Know that your Sonship has to do with your right relationship with God. Yes, he sends wonderful men of God to shepherd us, but ultimately God is the head of every true church. A true Father in the ministry will want to see you do greater works. They will not discredit you, harm you, abuse you, or take advantage of your serving in ministry.

3. You are entrusted to proclaim the message of the Gospel. Your responsibility is to deliver the Gospel. Not pop culture. Not the latest political news. The Gospel. A relevant message shouldn't leave out the Gospel truth. As young leaders, there is a temptation to pull away from the foundational teaching of God's Word. We must not only stick to the facts, we must stick to the faith, and not assume that everyone has heard the Truth.

4. You are proclaiming under God's orders. God has called every Christian into the ministry of reconciliation, of gathering souls back to Him. No one is exempt. He has given us tools to do it. Whether you are a writer, dancer, runner, nurse-- whatever gifts and skills you have, they can be used to play a part in bringing a soul to Christ, to share the love of God through helping another, caring for someone, participating in a marathon for a cure, etc. If you must have a title, let it be Ambassador of God, Reconciler of God, Good News Specialist (felt that in my spirit!)!

5. You are to recieve all that Jesus, God the Father, and The Holy Spirit give you to do. From personal experience, I can tell you I used to think a lot, not speak. I was terrified of getting in front of anyone. I had stage fright. But when I gave my heart to Jesus, he gave me boldness and confidence
and now, some of my friends couldn't even picture me like that. I was so thankful to be free of fear that I promised God I would take however many gifts he wanted to give me. At one point the Holy Spirit told me, "you have more because some are not using what they have been given." I determined to never be a person that sat on my gifts, skills, and abilities. I am still determined, and God is still adding.

I encourage you to really begin to ask God who you are in Him. You will be surprised what He is calling YOU to be, do, and accomplish for His Glory.


For further study, check out Titus 1:1-4