Thursday, October 13, 2011

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

One of the major challenges to any next generation leader is staying...staying...what was I saying? Ah...Staying focused. You get the point. In the techno-savvy, high speed, fast paced society in which we live where it appears as if you must be doing soemthing important if you are in a hurry, there is the need to keep the main thing the main thing. I am of course referring to the thing that holds our very existence and faith together: the Gospel or as Eugene Peterson aptly coined, The Message.

If you are new to this thing called minstry, or launching a church, or overseeing an area of ministry, it can be a daunting task. I am so glad that the Bible was written for next generation church leaders and continues to speak to us. I return to Titus, which is fast becoming one of my favorite books in the Bible. Titus is a user-friendly look into church leadership and organization. I love the fact that it begins by first helping you to know who is instructing and then what the goals and objectives are. Sounds like a crash course in Vision Casting. In verses 1-4, there are four main objectives laid out if you dig a little.

Four Main Objectives to Promote The Main Man (Jesus):

1. You are called to promote the faith among God's chosen people. Public service announcement here: yes, the Jews, the LGBT community, the Republicans, the Democrats, in short, every demographic in every sphere should be presented with the truth of God's Word and His Son, Jesus Christ. No one should be considered "off limits". God took the limits off when he tore the veil of the temple and completed the requirements of the law with the blood of Christ. It opened the way for the Message of Grace. God chooses those who accept Him.

2. You are called to publish and get out the Accurate Word on God. Notice the key word is accurate. There is a lot of things being said about God that doesn't reflect God's complete work or His character. The only way we can be sure about what we publish is to study what the Author and Finisher of Our Faith wrote. Many times young leaders look to pop culture to guide the way, rather than getting into the Word for themselves. and (not real sites that I know of )are resources, not an excuse for not seeking God or His revelatory truth for your personal growth. Don't get into the habit of quoting something before you know that it has its foundation in truth. It can come back to bite you.

3. You are called to teach how to rightly respond to the Word. There are a variety of ways to do this, but one of the most effective ways is by living out the truth yourself. If you treat the things of God irreverently, those you lead and those who look up to you will do the same. If you give more time to Facebook than to putting your face in The Book, those who fellowship with you will do the same. If you treat the presence of God as a casual observance, your ministry team will too. If you don't think being on time for prayer, for serving, for meetings, for events (You can tell this is a pet peeve, right?) matters, then don't expect your team members to make it priority( By the way, slothfulness is a sin). We are creatures of pattern and habit. Just look at any child; their behaviors, more than anything mirror what is modeled before them.

4. You are entrusted to build the Hope Life of the Believer by pointing the way to life without end. It is hard to build hope if you live in the land of  Paranoia, off in Pessimistic Valley on Doubter's Drive. The words you speak, the message you share in your small group, life group, Sunday service, mid-week worship may be the only lifesaver some will reach for all week. Don't give them a rope and then drop it. Don't throw out a lifesaver with a hole in it. Provide sound doctrine through the Word of God. Here's one: Jesus promised that if we believe in Him, He will never make us ashamed. That's hope in times of economic uncertainty. Not only is it hope, but it's the TRUTH. Many who are unemployed or underemployed can leave your presence knowing you gave them TRUTH to stand on, not just a catchy phrase or vain philosophy.

I encourage you to be bold, to be strong, to stay focused. The Word of God, as one pastor said, will make its own gravy. Dish out the Word in it's original flavor, and watch it add life to the hearers.


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