Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Word of The Lord for 2014

 This Word was delivered to me on December 26, 2013 after a time of retreat over the Christmas Break. Needless to say, it shook me. There are signs all around us that point to the imminent return of Christ. As leaders and as a Prophet of the Lord we have a responsibility to say at times what may not be popular. I know the Lord is not simply speaking to me but many other Prophets are hearing God's clarion call to prepare for the greatest days of the Church and the worst days of the lost. I have recorded this in multiple places as restrictions on free press are being brought to bear.
What does this Word require of Leaders?

1. Preparation
2. Stabilization
3. Fortification

Hebrews 12:28-29 lets us know we are receiving an unshakable Kingdom. I encourage you to set yourself in the Kingdom of God, seek the face of God and know His heart. He does not want us ignorant of what is to come. He will never fail us. We can place our trust in the unshakable Rock, Jesus Christ, as everything that can be shaken, will be. Let us remain prayerful and vigilant, praying for our country's return to Jesus Christ, not just patriotism or family values. We need the Lord and his sanctification to wash our imperfect systems. My prayer for you as a leader is that you will move with God and trust him now more than ever.

The Word of the Lord:

The line has been drawn.
You MUST pick a side.

You will begin to see the testing of Marshall Law in cities.
There will be rationing of food, energy resources, and it will be tested by cities so as to not cause widespread panic.
The presence of military in your cities will increase for what will be 'routine operations'.

There will be an unprecedented falling away from the Faith in African American assemblies.
Mainstream denominations will come out in full force false doctrine.
People will be forced to find stable ground as all they have held sacred and trusted confidently in is corrupted.

You will see the rise of the Councils of Gay Clergy and Clergy announcing that same sex is okay as they announce their own bi-sexuality.
A major Christian figure is coming out this year and it will shock the Christian World.

Another major disaster will happen this year in the USA.

You will see the Deification of Your President.

The best of times for Kingdom Mobilization is here and the worst of times for those living on the fringe of their salvation.

In order to keep jobs (state, county, federal) in 2014 you will have to accept anti-Christ orders.

There will be fluctuation and turmoil with markets. Brokers will not know whether they are coming or going.

Fasting will become a way of life. Discipline your body for denial not overindulgence

America is drinking her cup of wrath for unrepentance and yet I remain merciful because of the prayers of the righteous.

Strengthen those who remain in the Faith.

I am coming to pick up my tab for the unfaithful, unrighteous, the oppressor, the flowery false prophets, the lenient shepherds who will not teach the Truth.

- God, The Father

Pray over this Word, and ask God to make clear to you his will and your way forward in 2014.
We must position ourselves to be a beacon of truth to the next generation.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

36 for 36 (Life Nuggets)

 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning 
all things that are done under heaven: 
 this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man
  to be exercised therewith.
 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: 
 I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. 
   For in much wisdom is much grief: 
and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.  

Ecclesiastes 3:13, 17-18

Reading the above passage of scripture did me good: it did me good to know that I am not the only one, neither will I be the last, that God sends on a search to know wisdom, to glean from life the good and the bad, and that some of what we learn makes us sorrowful, and some makes us truly thankful. I was prompted by the Lord on turning 36 last month to think about 36 things that I could share, life lessons if you will, of what I have learned. Some of it may be old hat to you, and some may be things you had not considered. My prayer is that these lessons will cause you to, in your own way, to give your heart to knowing what is in it, what's in God's heart, and what lessons you can deposit and treasure while sharing with the next generation. So, here goes:   

36 Lessons in 36 Years 

1. People will do to you what they see you do to yourself. 

2. Your applauders are not always your backers or your investors. Some applaud you with speech, and some will applaud you with action and investment. Don't disparage any.

3. You may run out of time, but don't run out of Faith and Patience. Time doesn't move God. God moves time.

4.Hope floats on Faith's waters. 

5. Trust the Impossible to be exactly incorrect and adequately overwhelming. That's Impossible's JOB. Your job is to believe the Impossible.

6. Don't let persecution or praise phase you. Both could end or begin at any moment. Remain steady in Christ.

7. People hate to see their younger self in a successful you especially when their older self has not followed through. Don't let their self-condemnation be your self-reflection. Stay in the right mirror- the Word.

8. You live. You learn. You move on. You live.  You don't learn? You repeat.

9. Nothing is ever as it seems. Always ask questions.

10. Never fail to ask WHY or HOW. Those two unlock what to do with what you know.

11. The people who really like and the people who really hate you are never who you assume. Never. Refer back to #9

12. Hear what people are not saying: Eyes, Sighs, Smiles, Silences, and Laughter all speak.

13. Being ignored hurts more than outright hatred.

14. Love hard. It's one of the attributes that will be visible in heaven and countable in souls.

15. Never trust the person who promises the World and has shown you no map or compass.

16. Hard work does not guarantee excellent work, sound work, or intelligent work. Sweat does not equal quality. 

17. You can be so dumb that stupidity looks appealing. 

18. Believe it when God says it; test it when man says it.

19. The person trying to tear you down is already broken and trying to build themselves back up with another man's self worth.

20.Take time to think. Don't be afraid to be alone with God's heart concerning your thoughts. He will counsel your mind if you hand him your thoughts.

21. A person who doesn't value their own life will squander yours. 

22. You do NOT have to let people violate your spiritual space and self to prove you can be open. There are soul rapers in the spiritual world just as there are in the natural.

23. Only you can contribute you to the world. Stop waiting for someone to 'discover' you. Discover yourself and let God distribute s He wills.

24. Listen to people who did NOT accomplish their goals. Their regrets can teach you how to live a life of resilience rather than surrender. Their regret can reveal setbacks you may miss from always gleaning from successful people. There were LURES that took them into Failure that you won't find in Success.

25. Cursing people out has never gotten any permanent good accomplished. Just don't.

26. People may terrorize you (or attempt to) because they live  in a world of personal terror and it is the only time they get to inflict pain. When you let them know that you know- they will stop.

27. Calm your fears by speaking the Word of God to them. Out loud.

28. You can build a sure foundation from the bricks people throw. Learn how to catch.

29. You cannot win over someone who believes that God has called them to lose. #pick your battles

30. No matter what "hellish" problem you face, God really does hold the key to it. (Rev. 1:18) It's always wise to ask the Door (John 10) for the key out.

31. No one is really interested in how gifted you are if they cannot see how that gift connects to the human need to be loved, valued, and cared for. Your gift must be seen as a connector, transformer, or improver of life. 

32. All it takes is ONE person to obey God concerning you (Luke 6:38). Pray for the people around you to obey God concerning you.

33. This prayer changed and is changing my life: Father, let my earthly existence match my Heavenly reality. Let me be as I already am in you.

34. Nothing happens until some one changes. If nothing is happening, ask yourself, "Am I changing in the direction of God?" 

35. God will pull out of you and present you to yourself in the measure that you lay down yourself and put on Christ.

36. God will forbid you intimacy with some people because they are looking to expose you not cover you. God is jealous (protecting what he values) for you. Whatever God tells you about a human's heart, believe Him.

I trust you learned something! Leave a comment, share a # that stuck out to you, and share something God has taught you! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Apalling Leadership - Learning from Saul

Leadership begins with followship. Followship begins with knowing who is in the lead.
If God is leading, you can trust him to make you a good follower and ultimately, a great leader. 
                                                         ~ Shantae A. Charles ~

As I was heading off to sleep, and dialing down for the day, God began to speak to me. This is our regular routine. I agreed in 1997, that if God would speak to me, I would listen. I did not say, I would listen between the hours of 9 to 5, so God chooses when he decides to invade my space and my sleep. I notice that as we settle ourselves, God speaks into our heart timeless truths. I found it very striking that in this day and age God still wants to talk to leaders about leadership. It's important to God where His people are headed and who is leading them towards him as well as away from him. But he spoke these words: Saul's Apalling Leadership. Yes, even now, Saul is forever remembered in the sight of the Lord as a leader who failed to fully carry out and fulifll his purpose in life. So, I rolled myself out of that comfortable state of quiet time, and wrote down what the Lord wanted to highlight. I won't give you a full study lesson, but if you want to study the life of Saul, read 1 Samuel 9-13.

An excellent background article on Saul can also be found here: http://groundreport.com/theres-a-lesson-people-can-learn-from-the-life-of-king-saul/

Here are the facts that the Lord wanted to highlight concerning Saul's Appalling example:

1. People pleasing- Saul's concern for pleasing people overrode his devotion to the will of God- this was a key in his downfall

2. Half obedience- Saul's refusal to wipe out two enemies of Israel later plagued the Kings that cam after him and almost led to the extermination of the Jews (see the Book of Esther); Haman was a descendant of the King Saul was ordered to kill.

3. Unfinished work- Saul constantly made excuses as to why he had not fully obeyed the Lord. This pattern of "not finishing" was seen throughout his life.

4. Murdering the Priest- Rather than honoring spiritual God-ordained leadership, Saul had them executed. Anyone who went against his brand of being and doing was dealt with. Interesting enough, Saul never pursued fully the actual enemies of God and Israel.

5. Baiting & Switching (daughter)- Saul promised many things but did not deliver on them, and partially because of his disobedience to the Lord. He also promised King David a wife with the intention and hope that he would be murdered in the process.

6. Warring without God - Saul was very concerned with 'saving face', wanting Samuel the prophet to bless him and act as though nothing had changed in Saul's leadership position with God (and really, if God no longer approves your leadership, you may as well hang it up).

7. Skulking &Sulking- Saul turned into a very temperamental, sulking man, on many occaisions due to his demonic oppression. Having been rejected by God from the position of King, he never sought to restore his position relationally with God. This brought on feelings of envy and murderous jealousy when he realized he had lost the benefit of God's anointing on His life. He became a King in title only, lacking the authority, personal drive, and the Hosts of Army of God to really back his War Campaigns.

8. Consulting witches- Seeking power from any other source, seeking out any other source but God for counsel, even if it is your dead mentor, is unholy. God does not treat this as a light thing. He sees it as idolatry, judgement has come upon many leaders for looking to vodoo, gurus, and 'spiritual guides' rather than God.

9. Hunting, not helping the Next Generation- Saul is known mainly not for his leadership skill, but for his relentless pursuit of David, future King of Israel: a younger, skilled, gifted, and good looking man that God had been grooming in his father's fields to be the next King of Israel. Saul began to look at David differently, the moment the attention for military skill and prowess was shifted away from him and onto David. After David had proven he could and would take on giants, rather than Saul seeing him as a successor, he saw him as a threat. Why? Saul had already been deposed by God spiritually. It was only a matter of time before it was revealed naturally. Saul wanted no exposures to his private dethroning. With David publicly winning military battles and doing exploits, this would shed light on Saul's lack of ability.

10. Fighting losing battles- Saul was notorious for attempting war campaigns without God, and focusing on the wrong battles. His fight should not have been with David, yet Saul spent his entire life fighting a losing battle. God had chosen David. There was nothing he could do about that.

11. Only seeking God as last resort- A scripture every leader should have ingrained in their heart? "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Mt.6:33 Saul chose not to recognize God as preimminent, first, only, or even as his priority

12. Impetuous & Hasty Decision Making- Saul was not known for his patience. When it appeared that Samuel was late in coming, Saul stepped into the role of Priest (not his office) and tried to offer God a sacrifice. He did it for the people, not even in obedience to God. Leaders have to be careful of moving for the people rather than moving because God commissioned it.

13. Treating people as commodity- To Saul, people were expendable. One example of this, is his use of his daughter Michal as a bargaining tool to bring David into his household. Anything that could not be of use to Saul for his plans, was not worth anything, including his own heir apparent, Jonathan.

14. Unrepentant and prideful- These two characteristics describe Saul's personality, how he handled his personal and public life, and ultimately what led to his death.

15. Paralyzed by Fear yet moved by Popular vote- Saul spent most of his life as a fearful man:
* Fearful of People
*Fearful of Perceptions
*Fearful of other Leaders
*Fearful of losing His Status

There is much more to learn from Saul. I encourage you to dig in further. Finally, we must examine ourselves, our leadership styles and see if we are in alignment with God and Jesus as Lord over our leading.
We can have good graphics no Grace, a charming personality, and no Charisma (anointing) for what we are leading. We can have a super marketing and media team, yet no spine to say no to ungodliness. I don't want to be that kind of leader. Let us learn from Saul's appalling leadership, and more importantly, let's not be the ones to repeat it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Entreprenuers: False Assumptions People Make About Business Owners and "Work From Home"

What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.
~Samuel Johnson~

I believe in business. I believe in small business. I believe in the Mom & Pop business. I believe in 'start-ups' that start anywhere. I am a small business owner and entreprenuer myself and I find great joy in what I do. I also find great encouragement from fellow small business owners. Until you are in business for yourself, leading yourself, guiding and directing and organizing people and schedules, you may not realize some of the challenges that entreprenuers face...and some of the false assumptions that can be quite frankly, insulting to someone's goals, purpose in life, motivation and drive. In talking to some fellow entreprenuers and through a few lack luster experiences of my own, let me share a few of the false assumptions that many of us have faced, are facing, and are also overcoming as we continue to make impact in our chosen fields. Our diligence and determination, our "stick-to-it-ness" are mowing down these assumptions. Hopefully after reading, you will have re-thought your own impressions if you work for someone else, and as an entreprenuer, you can share this article to enlighten 9-5 ers. Although, with the economic policies rolling out, a whole new class of "work-at-home" businesses may need this boost. In this life, you might come to realize that some people see kindness as a doormat in business, not a courtesy. Here we go!
False Assumptions People Make About Entreprenuers and those who Work from Home:
1. That you are not "really working"- We love what we do, but if we have chosen to do it we are working often times 200% percent at our craft.
2. That you have "flexible time" or "time on your hands"- Most entreprenuers are spending time working, networking, researching, or gaining further knowledge in their field.
3. That you can afford to do "free work" and "quite frequently"- If time is money, and we do every project for free as a for-profit company, how can you expect us to earn money or increase earning or hire additional staff?
4. That you have no overhead costs to consider- There are always overhead costs to consider. If you work from home, you may not have the overhead cost of a building, but there are soft costs involved with keeping a business running.
5. That you're not "really busy" so their "small project" can fill time for you- This can be seen as insulting to a small business owner. Time is money.
6. That your time does not cost. Again, time is money. If a business volunteers Pro-Bono work, sign off on their in-kind work, time, and man-hours, as well as materials they are donating to you. This helps that business during tax time.
7. That you should be willing to be late with paying clients to "fit them in" or "do favors" for family and friends - If you are not willing to compensate for services rendered, do  not demand to be first in line.
8. That you have no social life or any other obligations- We work hard and we need time away to spend with family, go to trainings and conferences to stay current in the field, and simply regroup.
9. That you spend a lot of time sleeping (true entreprenuers will LAUGH at this one)- Just don't insinuate this to any business owner you want to remain friends with. Period.
10. That you're not a "real Business" or a "true" Professional.- Most entreprenuers carry a degree or certfication in the services they provide and have gone through proper legal channels. If there is a question about qualifications, ask. You might be surprised how qualified they really are, and that could be the reason they struck out on  their own. Ask Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (who worked from home for years, according to his interview).
11. That you are available at the beck and call of any "emergency service need"- Assuming that anytime you want something done, your friend or family member who has a business can drop everything and do it, is not good. Treat them like the professional they are.
12. That you are recieving support, encouragement, or supplemental income.- This is an area that rubs raw with a few. Most entreprenuers are not recieving supplemental income unless they hold a full-time or part-time job. Some are blessed enough to get small biz loans or have private investors, but most do not gain that until 3-5 years into their business or more. A lot of personal income goes into starting a business. This makes it bittersweet to be celebrated on the tail end, and have people wanting to borrow money from what they never invested in.
13. That you are paid on time or at a fair rate for contracts. - Many entreprenuers give initial discounts as a way to get in the door or network, so they many times may be working for less.
14. That you must be "rolling in the dough" now that you work for yourself (another Laughable Point)- Self explanatory.
15. That you have no "real bills" or responsibilities with your business. - Every one has bills and people they need to pay on-time. The greatest favor you can do an entreprenuer is pay them fairly and on-time for services rendered.
16. That volunteering a service demands that you should offer the same level of time you would a paying client.- Entreprenuers may have to scale down what they are offering you simply to avoid cost that you as a volunteer cannot afford.
As an Entreprenuer
What I learned and re-learned recently:
1. Never volunteer for what you do not have time to give your best to.
2. Never repeat volunteer service for those who are ungrateful.
3. Never repeat volunteer service with people who do not respect your time, your boundaries, the word NO, your deadlines, or the fact that they are recieving FREE what costs you time and money to produce.
As Les Brown would say, You Deserve! (so much more than that)
You probably have more to add. I would love to hear your thoughts! Post a comment below.

Monday, October 7, 2013

UNgreat Expectations

Today, I had to do something that I have not had to do since last year. In school time, that's pretty long. I had to pull a young male to the side. I had seen this gentleman  before and he always seemed to be doing the same thing. He was horseplaying, walking with a cool "limp", mishandling materials, and acting unseemly. Society had already formed an opinion about him and he was completely unaware. So, why did I feel compelled to speak to him? He was African-American.

Yes, that's right. I pulled him to the side and asked him one question: "You know the perception that exists about Young African American Males, right?" He did have the temerity to look ashamed as he nodded his head. I told him: "Don't fulfill a negative expectation. You can do better." That was it. he immediately straightened up, walked back into his class and responded differently.

You see, sometimes that is what it takes. Addressing the behavior before it becomes something that is addressed by the wrong person who has already formed an opinion about you. I called him to the carpet on the behavior. Maybe he doesn't behave that way at home. Maybe he does. But what has been planted as seed in his mind today, is that someone noticed how he was getting his attention and encouraged him to take an alternate route.

I'm not a parent, but if I were, I would want someone to encourage my son or daughter to not fulfill the stereotypes and negatives perceptions that surround them.

Here are some startling statistics compiled by Tavis Smiley Reports:

These stats show the impact that structural inequality has had on Black men and boys in America.
-  54% of African Americans graduate from high school, compared to more than three quarters of white
and Asian students.
-  Nationally, African American male students in grades K-12 were nearly 2½ times as likely to be suspended from school in 2000 as white students.
-  In 2007, nearly 6.2 million young people were high school dropouts. Every student who does not complete high school costs our society an estimated $260,000 in lost earnings, taxes, and productivity.
-  On average, African American twelfth-grade students read at the same level as white
eighth-grade students.
-  The twelfth-grade reading scores of African American males were significantly lower than
those for men and women across every other racial and ethnic group.
-  Only 14% of African American eighth graders score at or above the proficient level. These results reveal that millions of young people cannot understand or evaluate text, provide relevant details, or support inferences about the written documents they read.
-  The majority of the 2.3 million people incarcerated in U.S. prisons and jails are people of
color, people with mental health issues and drug addiction, people with low levels of
educational attainment, and people with a history of unemployment or underemployment.
Young Black men — across the board — score below their counterparts in other racial and ethnic groups when it comes to graduation rates, literacy rates and college preparedness. And many African American men, in turn, are virtually locked out of employment and are filling up the nation’s prisons in disproportionate numbers.
We can step up to the plate as leaders now or we can continue to let these statistics be the norm. They don't have to be. It takes one person at a time to make a difference. Let's be the difference makers!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

March On Washington Anniversary: A Young Leader In The March Reflects

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

On the day of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, I had the distinct honor of interviewing Mr. Alonzo Batson, an educator selected to serve on the Governor's Task Committee for the state of Virginia. Mr. Batson was a youth who attended the March on Washington and offers some great insights in this interview:

 What was the context of your attendance at the March?
I was a 13year old student. I was the President of the Oklahoma State Chapter of the youth NAACP. The Black leaders in the state met in Oklahoma City and decided that we would participate in the March. I was part of that meeting.

 What was the emotional atmosphere at the time?

Oklahoma, at that time was a totally separate but not equal state. Black were supposed to go to the back doors for food service at white restaurants, bathrooms and water fountains were segregated. There was only one day of the year Blacks could go to the city amusement park. In Tulsa, the city of my birth and growth was a city that flourished with the separate but equal policy. We really didn't have to interact with the Euro-Americans.

 Did you feel like you were making difference?

Sure, I felt that the numbers and attitude we displayed in Washington on August 1963 let the World know we were serious about equal right for all people, economic equality and unity for America. Alas, I was wrong.

Were there any personal sacrifices you made in order to be there?

Being the Youth President of the Youth chapters, I had to raise funds for us to go. My biggest achievement was that I personally raise enough monies to sent 3 buses of youth from Tulsa, 3 buses from Oklahoma City. 1 bus from Muskogee and one bus from Lawton, Oklahoma.

 How did you get that banner and what made you hold on to it?

The banner was proof I was there. My parents moved to a new house that same year and I pinned the banner over my bed and it has been there ever since. With the upcoming 50th anniversary, I asked my brother, who still lives in the house, to send it to me.

Mr. Alonzo Batson with his original banner.

 Looking back, and looking at 2013, do you feel that Blacks have progressed in terms of what you all marched for or have Black Americans regressed?

Blacks have improved their status. However, the the basis or tenet for The March has not been achieved. Blacks have given up the values and principles that  adherence to the purposes of the march would have brought about. The system of racism has be re-defined and we, Afro-Americans, have been caught as unsuspecting participants in this redefinition.

What would you say to your younger self in retrospect about that day?

Keep focus and be ever vigilant.

What would you say to young Black Americans today about keeping The Dream alive?

"To thine own self be true" - Shakespeare. I say to them reject self hatred, love your people. I say to them that being true to principles and values will bring about achievement in all areas of their life. I say to them to not become available to become a statistic. This country is a country that profits from slavery of the body in the past to slavery of the mind now. I say to them that it's not too late.

 What are some things you took away from The March about society as a whole?

Our country is truly a melting pot. At The March all components of this country were in attendance. We blended as one then. We have been separated in today's reality through class, gender, economic warfare.

 Did you face any negative repercussions for participating in the March?

None; we returned to our respective towns and cities and became active in our pursuit for equality and justice. But as I've said before, we have got a whole lot of work to do.

My Take Away from the interview: 

Because that moment on the Washington Mall brought about a oneness in this Nation, since then, there has been an underlying and systematic attack on seeing that level of unity. I believe this generation is poised to either be the Great Reconcilers  or the Great Dividers. Only time can tell which route we will take. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one who lead going before the people not from behind. We must not make ourselves an available statistic, but stand up for our rights, not be silent or indifferent to injustice, and like Mr. Batson, make our mark on history in a positive way, no matter how young or old, no matter how small or great our contribution. Everyone had a part to play in showing the fabric of this Nation as One Nation Undivided and that we can stand for justice. A very key part of being Undivided that many leave out is Martin's faith in God. His natural leadership was driven by the his spiritual leadership. You see, we can only lead so far without God's divine guidance and help. May this Next Now Generation fully embrace that truth!

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Tell The Truth Generation

If I could categorize the generation that I grew up in, I would call it
"The Tell The Truth" Generation. 


This generation did not lie to you.
They also did not spare you any feelings of uncomfortableness. 

If you could NOT sing, they told you.
If you had no rhythm, they told you.
If you were not particularly good at an academic subject, they told you.

AND it was NOT called "bullying" or "emotional abuse"
People recognize it as TRUTH.


But my generation also 
STEERED you in the direction of your gifts.
They CHEERED you for following your dreams.
They ENCOURAGED & URGED  you to strengthen your weak areas.


My generation did not do us a disservice by leaving us with 
a false sense of entitlement
a false sense of accomplishment
a false sense of exceptionalism


My generation would NOT
let you dishonor your body
let you disrespect your parents
let you embarrass yourself on any national platform
even if they had to come yank you off stage
and save you from yourself. 


I Believe that SUCH a generation 
can exist ONCE AGAIN.
And I for one have my Poms Poms Out
Rooting For Them 
Take Back Their Generation 
& shaming the devil!

You are the Next generation NOW.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Statesman- A Call To Awareness

On my way to rest last night, the Holy Spirit spoke something to me concerning the Statesman. 
I believe it speaks to the kind of man God wants to set in office. 
I share it with you now. I know many Statesmen and I am praying that they will rise to the occasion and take back this country's moral ground that has been eroded. 

God is looking for leaders who stand on the Rock

The Statesman

Blessed is the Man 
who blesses His wife. 
For she is His body
Reflecting His Life. 

Blessed is the Wife
Who blesses Her Man
He is Her covering
Her Kingdom Right hand

Blessed is the Family
Whose God is Jesus Christ
Who gives Him His Place
And gives Him Their Life

Blessed is the Community
That thrives in Unity
That calls on the Lord
Before they call on a "Board"

Blessed is the State
That Sees God as Great
That trust Him for Increase
To Bring Surplus Not Decrease

Blessed is the Nation 
Whose God is the Lord
Who is Devoted to Love Him
And serve Him, never Bored

Blessed is the Statesman
that lives their Life
Loving Their Family
Honoring Husband or Wife
Their Family 
Will Bless the 
Community and State
Oh, Bless 
the Statesman 
God Made Them 

-Shantae Charles-

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

From Generation To Generation: The Power of Generational Blessing

Genesis 26

There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines, in Gerar.Then the Lord appeared to him and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; 5 BECAUSE Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”And Isaac dwelt in Gerar:


 If there is one thing you need to know...GOD is an Oath performing, COVENANT-KEEPING GOD.
What makes this covenant that more incredible was that it was sealed based on faith and not on the works of Abraham.

Romans 4
1 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”
Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness

Abraham left a GOOD CREDIT REPORT with GOD.  Through his Obedience to God, He demonstrated his trust in God. As a Next Generation Leader, here are some lessons we can take from Abraham's Life. 

1."...and I will be with you and bless you...";Isaac had seen and had been an active participant in the obedience of His Father. Obedience had been modeled for him. He had no need to rely on King Abimelech. God was more than capable of blessing him and he had witnessed it in his Father's life.

2. Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness- Could it be that God is speaking to You in this generation because someone in your previous generation was wholly obedient? Their credit report with God may have opened up a line of credit for you. Time after time in scripture we see record of sons who either walked or did not walk after their father's standard and the results. 

3. "...in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; BECAUSE Abraham obeyed..."- Obedience can release not only a blessing in your generation, but it can release generational guidance, protection, provision and encounter to your next generation. We often times focus on the material inheritance that can be left to our children's children, but forget the spiritual inheritance.

4. "...and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father."- God gives the next generation direction based on the previous generation's obedience. As heirs of the promise and as the seed of Abraham through Christ, we can receive the covenant blessings of God through faithful obedience.

5. "Then the Lord appeared to him and said..."- God wants to appear to the next generation. He wants his glory, his mercy, his love, his covenant to never end.

You can leave this generation with an example: You can open the door to Faith. You can show through your life how to live by faith, walk by faith, encounter God by faith, and trust in the Word of God by faith. Or you can leave this generation with a closed door by never living by faith, never walking by faith, hiding your faith in a closet, doubting God's Word, never speaking of God's existence, never testifying of God's power, never giving credit to God's generosity and denying God's power in your life.

I challenge every Next Generation Leader to fulfill these verses today:

Psalm 145:3-5

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.
One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.
I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.

The "greatest" generation is the generation that recognizes, loves, and obeys the GREAT GOD. - SAC

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Leading In Famine Times

Genesis 26:1-5

King James Version (KJV)
26 And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar.
And the Lord appeared unto him, and said, Go NOT down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of:
Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;
And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
5 BECAUSE that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.


God is into being WITH US in famine. There are thirteen recorded famines in scripture, and they are usually all tied to dependency on God for guidance, provision, and supply. Much like Isaac, there is a spiritual tendency to naturally head to "Egypt" when famine comes. But it was not to be Isaac's prophetic destiny. Famine carries with it the seduction to go down to Egypt. Indeed God uses famine to draw Joseph's brothers into a family reunion in Egypt. He uses famine conditions in the wilderness to test the hearts of the Israelites who were still enamored with Egypt's government slave program. 

Isaac is faced with a choice. He can let his materials do the talking or he can listen to GOD. He chose to listen to God. Ultimately we must all come to this conclusion in Christ: The world is famine. Christ is Living Bread. The world is desert. Christ is the stream, the Living Water. There will come a day, not only when you will leave "Egypt" behind, but "Egypt" will eject you begging you to go as they did with Moses. 

As Next Generation Leaders, let us ever keep Christ, The Way before us, sojourning with Him. Famine Times come to remind us to stay Hungry for His Presence, His Heart, His Life, His Truth. And to lead others to do the same.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Scent Of A Leader

In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. He had seven sons and three daughters, and he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkeys, and had a large number of servants. He was the greatest man among ALL the people of the East.
His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom.

One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan  also came with them. The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”
Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is NO ONE on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”


I start here with the Biblical account of a testimony service. Testimony Service? Yes. We know today  that Satan no longer has a place to come before God in heaven. He has been cast down to make war with the inhabitants of the earth and to tempt them into operating in their flesh where the principle and the law of sin can work. 

But this account lets us in on what gets God's attention. Job was a worshiper. He was a worshiper not just for himself, but also on behalf of his family. He was an interceding worshiper. Before there was Harp and Bowl, Job was already creating a private and public altar with God. Though the scripture highlights both WHO Job was and WHAT Job had, God only focused his testimony on WHO Job was. Because, seeking God first had added those things to Job's life. And though the things would be taken away, Job did NOT stop seeking God in the midst of his trials and tests:

 Job 1

20 At this (onslaught of calamity) , Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in WORSHIP 21 and said:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
    and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.”
22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

Job was INCREASED once again and with MORE. 

 Job 42
10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. 11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the Lord had brought on him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring.
12 The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. 13 And he also had seven sons and three daughters. 14 The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch. 15 Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.

One of the things that floors me about Job is that his earthly existence MATCHED his heavenly reality. In other words, THE WAY GOD SAW Job was exactly the way Job was on the earth. This is really the goal of a Kingdom Believer. Let your will be done IN EARTH (that's me & you) as IT IS in Heaven. We please the Father when we line up with who He says we are. We are tested and tried to shake that alignment! Job was tried more than once:
  Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he STILL maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.” (Job 2:3)

When you keep a praise and prayer on your lips, you keep an incense going up to God. God recognizes your scent, or rather, your incense. God knew Job personally, I believe, because his life was his altar, and he was sending up sacrifice "as was his custom" (Job 1:5).

God is not pleased when our lives, unrepentant, offer him the stench of sin:

 Isaiah 65
I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;
A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick;
5b ...These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.

 God wants the fragrance that saturates Heaven to be that of your prayers:

Revelation 8
And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.
And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

Many people focus on God coming to check out the stench of sin in His nostrils, but I encourage you to give God a reason to check out the sweet smelling fragrance coming from your life, your heart, your mouth, your hands raised to Him.

2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,
15 For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible alike] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing:
16 To the latter it is an aroma [wafted] from death to death [a fatal odor, the smell of doom]; to the former it is an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is qualified (fit and sufficient) for these things? [Who is able for such a ministry? We?]
17 For we are not, like so many, [like hucksters making a trade of] peddling God’s Word [shortchanging and adulterating the divine message]; but like [men] of sincerity and the purest motive, as [commissioned and sent] by God, we speak [His message] in Christ (the Messiah), in the [very] sight and presence of God.

Get a hold of that! YOUR LIFE is the PERFUME of HEAVEN. God knows YOUR SCENT. You scent becomes stronger, and stronger, and stronger as you worship Christ alone. Like any one familiar with their lover's scent when they walk into a room, you KNOW they are there. And when they leave, their scent lingers in the air! 

As a next generation leader, whether you are like Job, prominently wealthy, or like Paul, one who blazes a trail of planting churches and doing ministry all over the world, GOD knows your scent. He wants who YOU ARE, in spite of what you have or have not! Remember, you can always replace things. You cannot replace YOU. So as David said, I will bless the Lord while I have my Being! One of the greatest places of leading is leading in God's Testimony Service. 

Will you be on the Father's lips today? There's only one way to guarantee that--Worship Him!

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Word of the Lord & Prophetic Dreams - Satanic Timetables

I feel impressed to record this in more than one place. This was delivered April 24th 2013 through the Holy Spirit. Since then, the unfolding of this word has been at breakneck pace. As Leaders, it is your responsibility to equip and prepare those who are in your care.

 April 24 2013

The Son of Perdition will be revealed in the third quarter of the third day. (Image flash in my mind :666, Aquarius)

There is a satanic timetable underway that must be initiated and set in motion. This is why the onslaught against humanity has intensified. Look into the age of Aquarius doctrine (did not even know what this was until I researched it).

You've got to begin DAILY to decree and call forth the full armor of GOD (Ephesians 6, 1 Thessalonians 5:3-11) over your family, yourself, your community, your place of employ, your public square. Tighten your helmet. Know what you believe.

You're getting ready to see the unleashing of the false christs empowered in greater measure by the anti-Christ spirit. Signs coming out of South Africa. Many will be deceived and desire to go see this false messiah. Don't be deceived.

Some of these false christs will carry supernatural signs, even turning translucent with false light. Do not be deceived.

Passages the Holy Spirit gave me to read:

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-13, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5, 11-23, 2Thessalonians 2: 9-11, Revelations 13, Ezekiel 32:7, Joel 2:10-31,  Revelations 6, Daniel 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, Zechariah 13:9, Revelations 9:20-21, Luke 17, Isaiah 13: 4-22, Isaiah 10:1-2, Zephaniah 1:1-4,15, John 10, Matthew 9, 10, Romans 7,8,9 and Jeremiah 39
Note: I believe God wants us to understand who the players are for the man of lawlessness. I believe he wants us to understand that our country is complicit in his unveiling but we will not escape the results of turning away from God. I believe God wants us to understand the nature of sin, and what power it does NOT have over those who have chosen to walk in the Spirit and yield themselves as instruments of GOD. Read. Study. Prepare. Not for an "if" time of testing but a "when" time. God is clearly warning the people of God that there will be no easy road for Christians in America in not many days. Some principalities were invited and let loose upon this nation during the second Inauguration. It wasn't just a second term, but a sealing of an invite for demonic entities. I say that not to frighten, but to make you aware. If you have not spent any time this year in personal (not church consecrations) prayer and fasting, time is of the essence. The Lamb of God is available for every house. You do not have to be blindsided by what is coming. Seek the Lord for wisdom for your house. Stay ready.

 What I perceive is that there will be some false christ arising with a false spirit at the "third hour" of the day. The Word of God tells us someone will die and be raised to life. They may even emulate a torturing before death. The world will marvel after it.

 The third day here refers to the time Jesus said it would take to build his temple (body). This speaks to the temple yet to be rebuilt for the anti-christ to present himself as well as his rising from the dead, in imitation of the already risen and returning Christ. Jews will receive this false messiah. (Mark 15:25-31)
The Jews are still looking for the Messiah. This is one reason why they will be deceived by the one coming and standing in the temple

May 2013 (dream)

  Leaders upper level clergy (bishops & apostles over major institutions) were behind closed doors showing off their 'powers'. Some were turning translucent like light. The Lord spoke clearly saying it was NOT the Holy Spirit, that it was a false spirit, the same spirit that came against Moses, the spirit of the prognosticators that formed a serpent. But Moses staff transformed as well and consumed the serpent of the false gods of the Egyptians. It is the SAME spirit, and I agree with Jonas, it has infiltrated churches through deliberate means at upper levels of clergy, but also through IGNORANCE by those who engage in Yoga practices that open them up to this spirit. #TAKE HEED

 To the Gatekeepers: (from June 4, 2013)
In this dream around 5am today, I saw many gatekeepers in the posture of the picture below. And I saw two nations (US & Australia). These gatekeepers were exerting strenuous effort to hold back demonic forces. I
heard God say, 'tell the gatekeepers to HOLD THE DOOR and raise up MORE Gatekeepers. I know they are weary, but HOLD THE DOOR'. I saw the demonic forces trying to burst open the Door. There was a struggle to hold them back. We prayed into this declaration this morning. Gatekeepers, HOLD THE DOOR! Jesus is the DOOR we must hold onto. We must keep Christ as preeminent in our doctrine, worship, and as the source of our power. I charge you, HOLD THE DOOR!