Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Foolish Search For Another Creator

The pressure to lead is upon us. Everywhere you turn, someone is declaring leadership principles, motivating you to live your best life, not settle for being average--leadership is encouraged in every sphere of life: home, work, community, church, and of course on a national and global scale. But here's where we should not lead: in foolish quests.
This is what is portrayed in the sci-fi thriller Prometheus. Now, I personally am not a fan at all of the sci-fi genre. Give me clean romantic comedy (almost extinct now) or a good historical (like Lincon )or period film (like Pride and Predjudice) and I am good to go. However, when the Lord says, turn aside and check this out, I've got something to show you, I pay attention. Much to my surprise, I did not scream, close my eyes, or cringe at this film. I laughed. I laughed heartily, so heartily until my sides ached at the premise of the film.
Here's a brief synopsis of the film: The story is set in the late 21st century and centers on the crew of the spaceship Prometheus as they follow a star map discovered among the artifacts of several ancient Earth cultures. The crew, seeking the origins of humanity, arrive on a distant world and discover a threat that could cause the extinction of the human race. (Wikipedia)
Here are 12 things I learned from this film ( There may be some spoiler alerts)
1. The only character who survived was the one who did not deny the REAL Creator or the Cross. Though in search of new worlds, archaeologist Elizabeth Shaw had a rude awakening after giving birth to a demonic (my interpretation of the creature) species.
2. When you are looking for Demons, you will find them. These people had signed on to seek the origins of humanity, which have already been clearly defined in scripture. Of course this is 2089 AD, and the world is painted as post-Christianity. But guess what? God is from everlasting to everlasting. He is eternal, and He alone is the Creator of Mankind.
3. Demons+Demons =DEMONS. Nothing good comes from demonic encounter. NOTHING. The demonic interaction with humans simply morphed into something more demonic, devouring it's previous genetic line.
4. Though man's knowledge may increase, his capacity for REDEMPTION does not increase without GOD. We are a hopeless and miserable, although smart species without God to guide us.
5. Something that has no soul/spirit should not be your guide. Ultimately it cannot guide you to God. The scientists are all guided by a computer that looks human, yet has no soul. That computer plays Russian roulette, taking it's own samples from the planet and mixing it with a drink , and serving it to the archaeologist to see what would happen. The Spirit of God leads us into all Truth. He's not out to harm us, or trick us.
6. One of the facts the scientists relied on was that the species predated us and shared common DNA, so it must have created us. Ummmm NOT so fast: Just because something predates you or you share common DNA doesn't mean it created you. We have commonalities in creation because GOD designed it ALL.
7. Intercourse with evil leads to bringing forth the fruit of evil. The archaeologists carried on an intimate relationship which led to her being impregnated with the demonic species.
8. Calling on Jesus while being consumed by demomic entities, yet not believing in the reality of the Cross will not save you. The only time Jesus is mentioned, is when two scientists are being taken out by a serpent like entity. It reminds me of the verses in Acts where the seven sons of Scevs were attacked by an evil spirit. We must have more than a confession. We must have a relationship with Jesus.
9. Attempting to explore a spiritual issue using natural means may get you killed. These scientists went exploring and trying to understand this 'other world' by natural means. They did not take into context that spiritual reality is even more real than the chairs we sit in. You cannot wrestle against wickedness in high places, and rulers of darkness by natural means. This is why the Believer is warned to put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6).
10. God created us not to just have a head knowledge about Him, but to love Him, and desire Him, and His presence above all else. The computer that looked human asked the archaeologist did she still believe in God after all that happened. I have to say, the premise of the movie made me believe that much more in a loving GOD!
11. Nothing that ugly would create humanity. The scripture says to worship the Lord in the BEAUTY of holiness, and friends, let me tell you: Those false creators were HIDEOUS. God is beauty embodied and personified. He is holy, he is pure. There is nothing deceptive about His beauty, only GLORY. They may have ended their mission had they understood that about God.

12.Those leading this mission, leading this charge, had convinced those going with lots of money. The people aboard had been placed in stasis (a state of freezing or preservation) in sleep mode for 2 YEARS, only to awake to a nightmare and be killed ruthlessly. Even the zillionaire who had funded the trip, looking for a way to LIVE FOREVER, was snapped in two when he finally met his 'false creator'. This is what happens when we continue to search for LIFE away from the one who is LIFE, Jesus the Christ. God is not waiting to meet us and then snap us in two like twigs.
In fact, He waiting to meet us and say. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant; enter into the JOY of the Lord." I am so thankful for a gracious, loving God, who we don't have to search for in deep space, but as scripture says, the Word is nigh thee, even in our mouth. All we have to do to be SAVED and discover the ONE who created us is call on the name of the Lord Jesus, accept Him as Savior, and accept His death on the Cross in the place of our own and we shall be saved.
God, our loving Creator, then leads us into a lifetime of getting to know Him until we are with Him once more, in the Kingdom of Heaven. He created us for His PLEASURE, not for torture or humiliation, or pain. As Leaders, we must know the character of God. That will help us shun false doctrines of devils, even those now blatantly promoted through Hollywood, and prevent us from leading people in the foolish search for 'another creator'.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The School Year: Off To A Leading Start

      As I thought about this upcoming school year, I began to think about the parents and students that would stream through doors all across the country. I wondered, if I could tell them anything to help their child get off to a good start this year, what would I tell them? Well, here are a few time tested guidelines for starting the school year right:

1. Go to Orientation.  This is highly important especially if the school is new or if your child is making a transition (elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and even high school to college campus) This allows your child to familiarize themselves with the layout of the school grounds and not look like a deer caught in headlights on the first day of school. For special needs children, this is especially important to begin helping to establish routines, locate necessary offices in the building for the first day of school. This can decrease anxiety and stress levels for a child that gets easily lost or easily frustrated. They can spend the first day of school learning peers, not feeling inadequate learning the space and layout of the building. One of the biggest complaints I have heard from students is that they wish they had gone to orientation, and not had to play catch up on need-to-know information.
2. Meet the Guidance Counselor. This is person who will be scheduling your child’s classes. It is very important to have a guidance counselor whose goal is to meet the needs of your child and not simply pass them through the minimal requirements. Find out their philosophy for guidance. If you feel uncomfortable with their approach, request another counselor to be assigned to your child, if possible. As a high school student, it is imperative that your child have a guidance counselor that wants them to excel and reach their highest educational  potential. If there is any question about the courses that your child is enrolled in ad how they will prepare them for their future, this is the place to go first. You can also speak to your school board office and your state department of education if you feel as though your questions are not properly addressed. Your child gets ONE shot in High School. It is up to you that they do not miss any course work that can secure a better financial future for them.
3.  Go to Open House. This is an opportunity for you to get a layout of the class space, request seating adjustments, talk with your child’s teachers, take a more detailed look at the curriculum, and textbooks and take inventory of your child’s interaction with the teacher as well as your teacher’s interaction with other students and parents. Ask about the grading scale, grading policies, their policies on late assignments, whether or not your child can correct an assignment.
4.   Read the Syllabus, Grading Policies, and Classroom Contracts Closely before signing off.  Read them with your child and ask them to tell you what they think the policies mean. If there is anything you don’t understand, or any policy that looks completely different from the general handbook grading policies, request a meeting. Don’t sign off on it. If resistance arises, request a meeting with the teacher, their team leader, and the principle if necessary.
5.   Limit technology (social and entertaining) and establish a curfew especially for the weekdays until the first grading quarter is up. You cannot make an honest assessment of how your child will do in school if they wake up to the DS3, come home to Wii, and go to bed to Facebook. If your child does well the first grading quarter, you can reassess their limits then. If they do poorly, you can be assured the distraction of technology will not improve their performance.
6.       Offer to volunteer at the school at least quarterly. Whether that is helping bake goods for a bake sale, being a parent chaperone for a certain number of trips, get involved and show your support for the school.
7.       Set up your parent-teacher conference dates by the end of the 2nd week of school. When you make meeting with your child’s teacher a priority, it signals to the teacher that you are committed to the process of education and that you will not only be there to show up when something isn’t “right.” Remember, you are in this together. Parent-Teacher-Student is a 3-fold chord that can't be broken when the goal is the same. Communication allows you to be on the same page and not be pitted against each other. It does not strengthen your communication with the person who has direct influence in the classroom if you bypass them and take your concerns to the administrator, especially if you have not first tried to communicate your concerns or needs to the teacher.
8.      If you know your child has organizational struggles or has had discipline issues in the past, let the teacher know. This shows the teacher that you are being proactive and want to set your child up for success and not failure. For example, if the teacher knows your child is easily distracted, she would not place him by a window or near the doorway. You can also request weekly monitoring that your child is aware of. This often time ends many disagreements because you are being kept abreast of the behavior (by email or hardcopy note). As an educator, I rarely had to dispute the grades or effort scores of students who had progress notes.
9.      Pray for your child, and everyone involved in their learning process. You are the God-given first line of defense for your child. Send them to school knowing they are covered by God, cared for, protected, and loved by you. Hug your child. They are looking for your attention in the morning. Please give it to them. That speaker phone call can wait. The most self-assured students I have had the pleasure to know are those who arrived to school already confident that they were able to take on the day. Why? Because someone in their household told them so.
10. Remember that teachers have feelings too. Most teachers are in the profession because they are committed to improving the future generation and they believe that education is the most powerful way to do that. Some of them are working more than one job or are only employed half days due to budget cuts. My former Director would say, "If you believe half of what they say about us, we will believe half of what they tell us about you." In other words, misunderstanding and miscommunication can and does happen, but if everyone is committed to the students success, you find a way to work together towards the end goal. You may not like every teacher on your child's roster, but you can show your child how to cooperate even with a seemingly difficult person to achieve an end goal. Trust me when I say your children are taking their cue on how to problem solve (or how to manipulate and sabotage) from you.
       I encourage you to make this school year the best one yet and give your child the tools necessary to start the school year from a Leading Position!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Dangerous Business of Child Care

Recently, I experienced something that in all of my years of teaching and educating children
I had never experienced, neither was expecting to. EVER.
I was falsely accused of mentally abusing children.
In order to understand why this was disturbing to me, I will give a little background for you. I have worked with children all of my adult life and taught for nearly 12 years across different sectors of public and private education. I am a godmother to four, dear children, and enjoy mentoring children and young adults who have looked to me for guidance and as a source of counsel. This false accusation came from a disgruntled parent and equally misguided children. These allegations came as a result of an atheist parent enrolling her children into a school founded on "Christian principles".And this, is why I call Child Care a Dangerous Business.

Unfortunately, with so many real abuses happening in our society, and things I have witnessed as an advocate for children, I cooperated fully with the person assigned to investigate this allegation.After a thorough investigation of teachers, other students, and staffers, the allegation was proven and declared to be unfounded. I was not offered an apology. I was not offered my position back, and as a matter of fact those children are still happily gadding about with the potential to ruin another educator's record. My question to the investigator was simple: "What if this had been found as "legitimate"? Who will protect teachers and administrators from outright lies? These same children gleefully recounted to me that they were involved in the firing of another childcare worker at a previous center. This establishes a history of lying and plotting to get rid of staff who they do not like.

After seeking the Lord, I decided not to pursue a legal counter-suit for defamation of character, which I was within rights to do. In my case, God distinctly told me that vengeance is His and He would repay. The good news? These children are now formally recorded as being liars and their names will show up in the system should they ever file another false report. So, now what?

As an Educator, I want to leave you with some advice regarding False Reporting:

1.Do not answer any allegations without an attorney present.

2.Seek legal counsel immediately.

3.Communicate as much as possible in writing.

4. Cooperate with those who are doing the investigating.

5. Believe in due process.

6.Stay calm and pray. If you have done nothing wrong, it will be revealed.

7.Make every effort to follow up with the organization.

8.Check with your state's policy regarding false reporting and follow the necessary steps.

At present, I continue to have a positive relationship with my former boss who was not the decision-maker for my termination, my conscience is clear, and I have done what I can to live in peace. I am not in control of the actions of those who falsely accused me. I am only in control of my own actions.

As Leaders, we must do everything possible to live in peace while maintaining our honesty and integrity. As a Christian, I know that all things work together for my good. Even through this harrowing experience, I have learned to trust in the peace of God, the mercy of God, and operate in the patience and forgiveness that God so readily affords me. This does not mean that I have felt no grief or pain over the incident, but that I have given my future and the future of those who wrong me into the hands of the Lord. May I encourage you to do the same?

Let's Pray:


Right now there may be those dealing with injustices or false accusations. Like me, they may have been caught totally unaware by them or they may have seen their adversary slowly building a case against them in an attempt to entrap them. I thank you Father for the blood of Jesus that protects us and shields us against every attack of the enemy. I thank you that no weapon formed against your people shall prosper. I thank you that every lying tongue would be stopped and every slanderous mouth be closed. I thank you that the righteousness of those accused would shine like the noonday and that those who accuse them would be ashamed. I thank you for a forgiving heart and spirit be released to those who have been falsely accused or have suffered persecution for your name sake. Let your great grace be upon them now, to continue to stand in love and be examples in Jesus Name. Amen.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Christ OUT in the OPEN: Marketplace Ministry

To Market or Not to Market. For businessmen and businesswomen, that is the question. Many people balk at the idea of turning the church into a marketplace, and well they should. Jesus rebuked those who were trying to sell sacrifices at the temple. He was vehement about it. But here's another prspective: Jesus was also passionate about winning the business community. Take a look in Luke 19:

 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.
5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”
8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

This is one example of Jesus inviting a businessman in. Jesus Himself said, "I must be about my Father's business." and instructed the disciples to "Occupy (do business) till I come (return)." Jesus was not into turning the church into a marketplace but He brought the church to the Market. Indeed, wherever you are, the Kingdom of God is present, for it is within you.

Jesus capitalized on what many religious institutions overlook: the mindset of those who do business.
Take a look at Zacchaeus. Here's a few things he did:

1.  He pressed on to see Jesus despite his personal limitations
2. He found a quick, efficient, and effective solution to his limitation.
3. He utilized forethought, checked Jesus itinerary and travel route.
4. He got there ahead of time, checked the location, got his seat, and made preparation to meet Christ.
5. Jesus wound up looking UP to Him, calling him, and saying "I MUST come to YOUR house."
6. He followed Jesus' directive immediately and GLADLY welcomed Him, the total opposite response from the crowd.
7. He immediately quashed talk about his past by admitting his shortcoming (cheating/stealing from the people) and offered to pay it back four times.

No wonder Jesus was excited about recieving this man!

He would be a great asset to the Kingdom of God. I know many leaders would be glad to have a member that finds solutions, plans ahead, comes on time, follows directions, doesn't rely on the favor of being called out by the Master, and is willing to turn from their errors and change.

Notice the people muttering weren't concerned that Zacchaeus was a sinner. They were upset that he got to chill with Jesus! Isn't that a mess? Some people want Jesus as a trophy God. This man was willing to change, not just parade God around like a trinket. What about you today? How will you bring Christ out into the open?

I've heard many people say, "We can't talk about "that" (God, Jesus, Church, religion, Holiness) here." If not in the marketplace, where? I know some are reading, and saying to themselves that faith is a private matter. I agree. Faith is a private matter with PUBLIC results. The glory of the Lord is upon you, and you are a LIT candle, a CITY set on a Hill. No matter how quiet you try to be, the Light of Christ SHINES. It WILL tell on you!

If you are a Manager, Business Owner, Principal, Artist and You're wondering, "How can I bring Christ out into the Open?" Here are a few ways:

1.Use Music. I am always pleasantly surprised when I hear Gospel music being played in a mainstream establishment. It lets me know that Christ is welcome there and so am I. It allows people to enquire about you as the owner, and opens a door to testify how God started and is blessing your business.

2. Use Inspirational Material. Offering free copies of mainstream devotionals like Daily Bread is another way to bring Christ out into the open without lugging out the Family Bible and setting it on the counter.

3. Use Art. If the lines are long, most people generally will walk around and check out the artwork on the walls of your establishment. Many outlets today carry paintings with scripture painted directly into the art. My husband's abstract art series features Biblical concepts without focusing on a black Jesus or white Jesus. His paintings can be found in university offices, lawyer's offices, and doctor's offices. There are all kinds of ways that Christ can be expressed especially artisitically without being in your face. But, do know, some will be offended by the message of the Cross regardless of how beautifully you package it.

Until next time, I encourage you to SHINE as lights in a Dark World!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


TheNextGenerationLeaders is the Ministry Blog for LIFE NATION.


We are a Global, 5-fold Equipping & Marketplace Ministry. We believe in redeeming the Arts to the glory of God. We are a House of Worship, Word, and Prayer.
Our Vision is to (1) educate, train, equip, empower, and impart to this generation and the next generation of 5-fold ministry leaders; (2) to be a multicultural, multinational, multi-generational assembly of believers who advance the Kingdom of God as a Kingdom Community; (3) impact the local and global community through prayer, fasting, praise, worship, sound doctrine,revelatory preaching, prophetic teaching; and (4) evangelizing the lost through the Gospel.

We are called to empower people in their calling, impart the Word ofGod, and stir within the Believer a passion to encounter Jesus Christ through personal relationship. Artists are welcome here.
Vision Verse: John 6:63 "The Words I Speak To You, They Are Spirit and They are LIFE." ~Jesus
Supporting Verses: Luke 12:32, John 14:6, Psalm 2:8

In Short:
· We Are Believers
· We Speak Life

· We Declare Truth (Christ)

 · We Walk In Love

· We Live Out Faith

· We Do Ministry

· We Impart to Artists & Marketplace Ministers

· We Equip For The Manifestation of God’s Kingdom Mandates
or follow us on twitter @n3xtgenleaders
Speaking Life!
Robert & Shantae Charles

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Right now, our country is in educational decline.
I've got one reason to share: Right now, our country is in moral decline.
You see, you cannot separate the two.


"The three-yearly OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world, ranked the United States 14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below-average 25th for mathematics."This is an absolute wake-up call for America," U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in an interview with The Associated Press. "The results are extraordinarily challenging to us and we have to deal with the brutal truth. We have to get much more serious about investing in education."
(Huffington Post)

As an Educator who has spent nearly twelve years in the field, teaching everything from preschool to highschool, all ages, nearly all subjects, many learning capabilities (from bright dyslexics with 140 IQs to Autistic children who barely speak) and many educational settings (from private, non-religious, to private Christian to alternative school for troubled teen girls, to public school in Anywhere, USA) there is one thing that I am committed to: providing quality education to children regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion. This has always been my goal and will continue to be.

As a Christian who is an Educator, I want to make it clear: we cannot leave out morality if we are going to provide quality education. When we try to educate without a moral code, we raise up intelligent barbarians who have no moral compass and are capable of any heinous crime. I dare say we are seeing this now. College students brutally murdering their classmates because no one taught them the skills of how to communicate or how to resolve conflict without violence, another college student murders a girl on her wedding day, because he didn’t learn he can’t have everything he wants. Still another college student murders his girlfriend after repeatedly fighting with her. Yet his violence was overlooked by his coaches because he was good at sports. Where do people learn these things and internalize them? At home but also at school, where the majority of their time is spent outside the care of parents. Whether we say it out of our mouths or express it in our actions, we are teaching something every day.
When we teach through our actions and now blatantly in some classrooms that God does not exist, that the moral code that shaped our nation "really isn't that important", we wind up graduating students who lack courage, integrity, honesty, kindness, compassion for their world at large. They matriculate into higher education where there are even less restrictions, and suddenly find themselves having to make moral decisions they have little foundation for. They are soon swept up into the tide of what feels good, looks good, simply operating on their senses, not realizing the war for their very soul that is waging. With parenting methods ranging from "you're not getting married until you are 85" to "I just let them float along and figure it out" (even though we ourselves needed direct instruction), we as a country have been blessed to not have self-destructed before this point.

I think of the many Classic writings of authors like Dickens. In order to even really understand half of what he refers to, one would need an understanding of Basic Biblical principles and characters. When I have children who frequently ask, "What's a BIble?" (not what kind of Bible is that?) or "Who is David? Who is Goliath? Who is Mary? Who is Abraham? What is a Hebrew?" I am reminded of the verse in Judges 2:10 :

After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the LORD or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel.

Why did that generation grow up not knowing the Lord? They were not taught. They were not introduced to God. They did not hear the testimonies of God. It may even have been politically incorrect to share your faith. The previous generation remained silent about God and in turn the next generation gained none of the benefit of knowing the God of their forefathers.

I am thankful today for the wonderful educators that graced my life. They are why I teach today. They not only educated me on matters of the natural but they lived their faith out, right where they were in the workplace and marketplace. No one saw it as strange, or detrimental. No one saw it as brain-washing. No one saw it as separation of church and state. I will never forget my second grade teacher, Mrs.Salzman. She was a kind and gentle lady. She introduced me to Hanukkah. I even dressed up and danced like a dreidel for the school program! I fell in love with the Jewish people and culture because of her care for me as a student. The day she announced that she was returning to Israel, I was heartbroken. I never saw her again, but I remembered that she was Jewish. I wanted to meet this God that she would run off and leave Me for! Thankfully, I met him in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Mrs. Salzman never tried to convert me. She never said, you must believe what I believe or else. It was the love of God shining in her that drew me.

I can share countless stories of teachers who I grew up with who lived out their faith, modeled integrity, love, faith, kindness, goodness, and concern beyond my race or skin color. I learned from them more than how to create art or calculate a problem or how to write. I learned to live out my faith in such a way, that it teaches even when class is over, the books are closed, and the diploma is in hand. If I have only deposited head knowledge into my students, I have failed as a human being and I have failed them in their future purpose. They will need more than head knowledge. They will need a moral compass. My prayer is that my life will always point them in the direction of the true North, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Four Keys To Maintaining The LEAD

One of the greatest leaders our world has seen and certainly one of the most famous the world over not just for his leadership ability but for his heart towards God is David. Prophet. King. Warrior. Worshipper. Architectural Planner of a Divine Monument  (Solomon'sTemple) still unparallelled in our day.

There are many life lessons that can be gleaned from David's life, but I want to look simply at four keys to maintaining the lead. Let's take a look at a familiar passage of scripture and unlock timeless wisdom right from the Word of God.

1 Samuel 30
1 And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;
2 And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.
3 So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives.
4 Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.
5 And David's two wives were taken captives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
6 And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
7 And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech's son, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought thither the ephod to David.
8 And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

18And David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away: and David rescued his two wives.
19And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great, neither sons nor daughters, neither spoil, nor any thing that they had taken to them: David recovered all.


David was in a tenuous position. He was leading a group of men who had entrusted all that they were to him when this tragedy occured. Whether you are a pastor, CEO, or a shift leader, you feel the pressure of the position of leadership. There are four keys I want to pull out that allowed David to maintain the Lead  in Crisis.

I jokingly like to refer to many of my clients as Nick-At-Nite customers. Most of my consulting is done out of the public view and eye. People want advice, prayer, and help, while at the same time keeping their identity and issue confidential. Confidentiality is more valuable than your talent. If you can't keep confidences, it will affect every area of your life, both public and private. People rely on good advice as well as prayer to help them lead in crisis. David did no less.

Key Number 1: Love-Fueled Loyalty

David felt not only his own loss, but the loss of those around him to the point of emotional distress. In our current economic crisis, many are hard pressed to find leaders who empathize and sympathize with the over 50% of the country that are unemployed or under-employed. People don't care about your plan until they know you care about them. How do we know that David exhibited loyalty? At the end of recovering all, David stood up for those who had fought and those who guarded the camp. They were equally important though their functions were different. If you are going to maintain the lead, you have to recognize the importance of everyone you serve and who serve you in some capacity.

Key Number 2:Encourage.Enquire.Empower.

David wept until he could weep no more. I am amazed at how many leaders consider it a good thing to keep thier feelings in and show no emotion. I call that an explosion waiting to happen at the wrong place, with the wrong person, and most likely at the wrong time. When you get done weeping, you have to move forward. God gave us the ability to feel pain and loss. Every emotion serves a purpose. When dealt with properly, grief can galvanize and has fueled some of the greatest victories. But David did not stop at grief; he did 3 very important things that leaders must do: he encouraged himself, he enquired of the Lord, and he went in the empowerment of the answer. I say this boldly: true leadership begins and ends at God. God sets up natural and spiritual leaders and when we think we can do it without Him, He is at liberty to put one down and set up another. In this instance, David did not lean on his own understanding, though he did in other cases. God here allows us to see what victory looks like as David equires of God before venturing to initiate a military campaign. God assures him of the victory, and David goes in the power of that Word.Whether God says No, Stop, Wait, Go Ahead, or Next Year, if we go in the power of God's Word, we will see the success God promised.

Key Number 3: Assignment

David knew his assignment. It wasn't to go  and collect another wife. It wasn't to remain at Ziklag and cry himself to sleep. He was given an assignment of rescue and recovery. If we are maintain the LEAD, we must remain focused on the assignment that God has given to us. When we follow through with our assignment, lack and insufficiency will be a thing of the past. Not only did David recover, but he also gained the spoils of those who had ransacked their town. God has a sure assignment for us if we will seek Him. The enemy may seem to have an upperhand in the skirmishes of life, but if you will remain on assignment, you will win the battle every time!

Key Number 4: Determination & Drive To Deliver

This is perhaps one of the most under-emphasized things in leadership. I call it the follow thru. Some companies call it the Promise, other the Guarantee. What it boils down to is customer satisfaction. Did you "deliver the goods"?  Most consultants will tell you it is better to under-promise and over deliver, than to promise what is not in your power to deliver. Your biggest advertisers are 1. dissatisfied customers and 2. satisfied customers. Clearly, if you want to maintain the lead, you want repeat customers, loyal to your product, your brand, your ministry. David had heard from the Lord, and now it was up to him as the leader to follow through with what God had endorsed. David made good on his promise to recover all by putting into action what God has endorsed. He smote their enemies from sunup to sundown, not resting until they were all defeated. As a leader, your determination and drive for the vision and goal should out-match those you are leading. David had a personal stake but he also had a leadership stake in recovering all. It can be difficult to be vested in following an apathetic leader who has lost sight of their own vision.

As followers of Christ, we are always in lead mode. We are called to be a light to the world. What does light do, if not lead out of darkness?

In order to maintain the LEAD in life you must be fueled by love, encourage yourself, enquire of God, be empowered in your assignment, and have the determination and drive to complete the assignment God has given to you. When you do these things, maintaining the LEAD in life will not be the exception but the norm. You will move from simply maintaining to Reigning in the place that God has called you to!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Nepotism-Driven Church

Moses. Eli. Samuel. Saul. 

As far as the Word of God goes, these were some of the most uncommon and heroic men of their day.
Reading about them inspires us to become friends with God, to see him face to face, to serve in the house of God, to hear him clearly, never miss a beat, to not let our words fall to the ground, to know that God can pick the smallest and the least to do great things with. But what else do these men have in common? Their sons did not follow in their footsteps.

 Let's see what the scriptures say:

Moses' position as leader of Israel was not hereditary. His son, Gershom, did not inherit the leadership of Israel. Moses' chosen successor was Joshua, son of Nun

 9 Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit[b] of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the LORD had commanded Moses. (Deut. 34:9).

David is Chosen instead of Saul's Son Jonathan:
 1 The LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” (1 Samuel 16)

 12 Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the LORD.
17 This sin of the young men was very great in the LORD’s sight, for they[b] were treating the LORD’s offering with contempt.
18 But Samuel was ministering before the LORD—a boy wearing a linen ephod.

22 Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the LORD’s people is not good. 25 If one person sins against another, God[d] may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the LORD, who will intercede for them?” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the LORD’s will to put them to death.
26 And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with people.
Prophecy Against the House of Eli
27 Now a man of God came to Eli and said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Did I not clearly reveal myself to your ancestor’s family when they were in Egypt under Pharaoh? 28 I chose your ancestor out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my altar, to burn incense, and to wear an ephod in my presence. I also gave your ancestor’s family all the food offerings presented by the Israelites. 29 Why do you[e] scorn my sacrifice and offering that I prescribed for my dwelling? Why do you honor your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choice parts of every offering made by my people Israel?’
30 “Therefore the LORD, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I promised that members of your family would minister before me forever.’ But now the LORD declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained. 31 The time is coming when I will cut short your strength and the strength of your priestly house, so that no one in it will reach old age, 32 and you will see distress in my dwelling. Although good will be done to Israel, no one in your family line will ever reach old age. 33 Every one of you that I do not cut off from serving at my altar I will spare only to destroy your sight and sap your strength, and all your descendants will die in the prime of life.
34 “‘And what happens to your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, will be a sign to you—they will both die on the same day. 35 I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his priestly house, and they will minister before my anointed one always. (1 Samuel 2:12,17,18, 22-35)


These are Old Testament examples, remnants of what can still be seen in the Church setting today. Many Churches have a structure that consists primarily of family related leaders that serve in key positions in the Church. While this is not necessarily a bad thing (most American Churches have a membership of 200 or less, and many of the core or founding members are family) when leadership is not held to a formal standard or code of ethics, it can spell trouble.

Nepotism is defined as favoritism granted to relatives regardless of merit. The word nepotism is from the Latin word nepos, nepotis (m. "nephew")

Here are 5 things to consider in a Nepotism-Driven Church:

1. You may rely too heavily on family support rather God's provision

2. You may be more family directed in decision-making rather than Spirit led

3. You may be reluctant to remove family members when they are in error

4. Your staff of personally connected friends and family may develop an entitlement attitude

5. You might actually stunt the growth of your ministry;
    people who are not blood-tied may see your church as "exclusive"

These are hard things to consider but it is important as a Leader in the Body of Christ that blood ties not be placed above the Lordship of Christ. Jesus said it this way: (Matthew 12:46-50)

46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”
48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

As the Body of Christ, we are to be above reproach. That includes every aspect of ministry and life. The key here is granting a place regardless of merit. There are countless examples of Ministry Royalty and Secular Family empires. The key here as a leader is to seek God for the best man or woman. Jesus' brother James was a disciple. His mother was in the upper room at Pentecost. David's Son, Solomon became King. Can your family, or  my family, lead in ministry? They could. Should we be open to whoever God calls to walk alongside us?

That, my fellow Leader is the point.

 7But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart

It can be tempting to simply place people in position because it is convenient, they are your friend or family member, or because you don't want to upset the person who may be really nice yet they have absolutely no skill in the area they desire to serve in. Your temporary fix could be creating future problems. Let us not be guilty of overlooking and basing our decisions on our own understanding. Let us trust that God knows what he is doing. He sets members in His Family as He wills. When God does it, the Church will looked the way he intended, love the way He intended, and when people look on us, they will see a true picture of the Body of Christ. Jesus chose 12 men from different walks of life to paint a picture. The women who followed him and supported his ministry were just as diverse. The message? God can choose anyone, even me.

When the Un-Churched encounter The Church, let that same sentiment ring true.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

BlackThought: Voices Of Change NOW

"You cannot feed the world and starve your countrymen and expect an applause from God."

Shantae A. Charles

 Someone may be wondering: Why is she writing about Black History? Isn't Black History over?

Let me just clear the air:
Well, it might be  "over" if you are not Black or African-American. But, if you are one of the 14% of Americans described as such, Black History is everyday. It is constantly being written by each one of us who carries within our genetic code the characteristics that define us as such, mainly the melanin that infuses our skin with color, making some of us more obviously black than others. From ebony to cafe au lait to near ivory, we vary in shade and many of us are of mixed ethnicity & culture (Caribbean, Afrcan, American, Latino, Native American, Asian), and to the on-looker that can confuse the conversation and dialogue. Which is why we should talk. We are not all the same.

As I pondered today what I wanted to share, the words Black Thought Thursday popped into my head. God deals with me in rhyme and analogy, and alliteration, so I just go with the flow. I had been reading this wonderful book about the speeches and letters, and lectures of African American leaders, writers, poets, and statesmen, teachers, peanut farmers and university founders, and I was floored by their eloquence, their precision in commuicating that change needed to happen for our people and by our people.

They faced the hostilities and predjudices of the day head on and did not flinch at the backlash they recieved for plain speaking, as my friends would call it. I wondered, where are those voices of change now? The voices most of us hear are so politically correct, and neutral that you cannot really be sure what side they are speaking from.

These Voices of Change demanded a NOW answer to the growing problems of racism, economic, social, and educational disparity. They did not have a "sit back and shut up" mentality. They demanded justice based on the document of justice that was put in place first for white males, but essentially for everyone. The declaration that "all men are created equal" was to apply to humanity, not just to one race, or one gender, or to the person who was able-bodied but to all. I want to share with you some of the statements that stood out and challenge you to do a little reflecting of your own and research some of these great voices of change.

On Slavery

A slave was rarely killed. They were too valuable. It was quite easier and more effective to sell him Down South. In slave times, a Negro was kept subservient and submissive by frequency and severity of scourging.~ Ida B. Wells Barnett

The white man's happiness cannot be purchased at the price of the black man's misery.~Frederick Douglass

Reflect: What way has slavery been institutionalized in our society?

Lynching is the aftermath of slavery.~ Mary Church Terrell

Reflect: Do you think political, economic, social lynching exists?

When you give away your right to speak, you put the next generation back in chains.

Reflect: What social justice efforts have your children or those you mentor seen you speak out about?

On Equality & Democracy

What the people want is simple. They want an America as good as its promise.~Barbara Jordan

The color of the skin is in no way connected with strength of mind or intellectual powers.~ Benjamin Banneker

We wish to plead our own cause. Too long others have spoken for us.~ John Russwurm

This country can have no more democracy than it accords and guarantees to the humblest and weakest citizen. ~James Weldon Johnson

The American Dream reminds us that every man is heir to the legacy of worthiness.~MLK

If America is to remain a first class nation she can no longer have second class citizens.~MLK

The price America must pay for the continued exploitation of the Negro and other minority groups is the price of its own destruction.~MLK

Reflect: Do you think we have made real progress in racial  and social equality?

Now, more than ever before, America is challenged to bring her noble dream into reality.~MLK This thought still rings true in 2012.

On The Struggle

It may get me crucified, I may even die. But I want it said, even if I die in the struggle that, "he died to make men free." ~MLK

Sadly, this came to pass when he was assasinated on 1968.

The citizens of America want and deserve more than a recital of problems.~Barbara Jordan

How can we begin to build institutions that allow people to relate as human beings? This country has not done that. Especially around the concept of black or white.~Stokeley Carmichael

Reflect: How can we end the struggle for equality personally?

On Globalization

All of us must develop a world perspective if we are to survive. The American Dream will not become a reality devoid of a larger dream of a world brotherhood and peace and goodwill. MLK

The world in which we live is a world of geographical oneness and we are challenged now to make it spiritually one?

Reflect: Do you think globalization has minimized the needs of people of color who are still underserved?

On Self Education & Empowerment

If you want to hide something from a black man, put it in a book.~Anon

The whole world opened to me when I learned to read.~Mary McLeod Bethune

One of the things young people should learn is how to see for yourself and listen for yourself and think for yourself.If you get in the habit of going by what you hear others say about someone or what others think about someone instead of searching that thing out for yourself, you'll be walking east when you think you are going west...the most important thing we can learn today is to think for ourselves. ~ Malcolm X

Every time black people move in this country, they are forced to defend their position before they move.~ Stokeley Carmichael

If you form the habit of taking what someone says about a thing without checking it for yourself, you'll find that other people will have you hating your friends and loving your enemies.~Malcolm X

Reflect: Do you see double standards when it comes to accountability?

On Integration, Segregation, and Responsibility to the Race

What integration is in this country: You do what I tell you to do, and then we'll let you sit at the table with us.If there is going to be integration it has to be 2-way. If you believe in integration, come live in Watts. Send your children to the ghetto schools. Let's talk about that.~ Stokeley Carmichael

We commit racial suicide by not sounding the alarm and protecting our own children from the poverty that ravages their dreams. Marian Wright Edelman

Integration is subterfuge for the maintainance of white supremacy.~Stokeley Carmichael

Hug your grandparents and say, "I want to thank you for what you've done to make me and my life possible."~Alex Haley

Reflect: What responsibility, if any do you think you have to your race?

On the Black Middle Class

Unless the black middle class begins to exert more effective and sustained leadership with and without the black community on behalf of black children and families, both as personal role models and value instillers and as persistent advocates for National, State, and Locally funded policies...then all of our Mercedes and Halston frocks will not hide our essential failure as a generation of Black "Haves" who did not protect the Black future on our watch.~ Marian Wright Edelman

Don't be so busy getting that you get down in the mud of oppressing your own race.~Sac

I hope the quotes and reflections here will promote a dialogue long after the last sentence is read. I encourage you to be a voice of change Now, not an echo of political correctness and status-quo thinking.

Blessings to You, Next Generation Leader.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Leading Lady In My History Part 2

As I continue this segment, I'd like to introduce you to another Leading Lady, the late Mrs. Leary M. Davis. I can tell you now that much can be said, but I will speak from the position of granddaughter. You see, when I entered the world, she took one look at me and knew I was "a Davis" (my family name). My grandmother was an incredible Woman. Some of the things I remember about her is that she was raising my father (also deceased) and 10 other children single-handedly. She and my other grandmother were raising large families alone and pulling the wieght of father and mother (they showed me it could be done without the help of a sugar-daddy!). They became fast friends, and their children did too. That's where I come in. My father and mother never married each other. I am the sum total of their brief and passionate relationship. I'm glad they didn't abort me to "get on with their lives". There was much controversy (for another article) around me at the time because of it (my Dad was 16, my Mom 22).

In spite of the way I entered the world (without the covering of marriage), my grandmother loved me to pieces. And I felt it. She took me under her wing, and cherished me. To me, she was home. When I think of her hugs now, I recall sweet potato pie. She was the essence of what goodness in the world can be. I loved doing her chores (though I could not cook a lick!) because her home was a home of peace. People were always coming to Mrs. Aunt Tot's house to stop by, drop off a gift, or just sit at her feet and listen. Her home was the meeting place for wisdom. People spent their vacations coming to visit her and just talk. Truly God had crowned her with wisdom. I remember right before I got married, both of my grandmothers and my mother were all together. I asked them for advice. I tape recorded it. I still have that tape. It is gold to me. I still own a tape recorder for that very reason: to replay it.
 Leary Mae Davis
A True Leading Lady
My grandmother taught me if you have nothing nice to say, pray Lord, help me to have a kind word even if they are doing bad things. My grandmother always joked that for her to be on a fixed income, she always had more to give than those who were not. She always spoke to me about saving and not spending money on things that soon fade. When she passed away, her debts were paid and she left something for her children and their children. She also left a legacy of unconditional love. I know I don't just speak for myself when I say I don't think  I will find anyone who loved so strongly and forgave so easily. No, she was not perfect, but she was as close to heaven as many had ever experienced. I plan to pass on the wisdom I gained at her feet to the next generation. Though she is now at rest, her voice lives on in me and everyone who knew her. Love You forever Gram Tot.
Gram Page & Gram Tot
Lifelong Friends

They are the inspiration for the Grandmothers in my novel series Church Love. 
Check that out at

A Leading Lady in My History

In honor of my ancestry, I'd like to introduce you to a woman who is still alive, but she is living black history for me. She is my grandmother, Ruth Page.

My grandmother and role model, was called by God at 13 on her parent's 40 acre farm in Fayetteville, North Carolina. If the Lord permits, she will see 92 years in April (she is now 93).  She taught me how to bow my knee to Jesus Christ alone, how to be a traveling missionary, how to work for social, racial, political, and economic justice, while visiting the sick, healing the diseased, visiting the poor, widow, orphan, working the altar, forgiving those who wronged her, preaching fire, and doing it in 6-in heels, winning Senior Citizen olympics, riding a three-wheeler for MILES up until she was in her late 80's, talking crackheads into returning stolen goods, and receiving Miami Herald's first round of Spirit of Excellence Citizenship awards. She was awarded a HURRICANE ANDREW award for turning on fire hydrants to help get clean water quickly to residents with a wrench b/c no one could get into our neighborhood directly after. She helped bring Health Services and Head Start to South FL, and petitioned to get our black community schools rebuilt after Andrew b/c they wanted to leave it as portables. This 100% Cherokee Woman of God is incomparable.

The amazing thing is, I was there these moments. I can remember her influence and involvement in my life at 2 years old, and even now, though she is battling dementia and resides in a nursing home, she still demands my relatives nearby call me and she talks with me. I have her letters she wrote while I was away at college. Those letters are like gold now that she can no longer recollect or recall certain things about her life and childhood. I treasure the history I saw through her life of service. From county meetings, to neighborhood programs, to senior citizen center meetings, to tent revivals, she did not leave me out. If I wanted to go, she took me, and even those times when I just wanted to hang out and do nothing, she still took me along (smile). I met influential city council, forgotten widows, people from all walks of life who respected and still respect my grandmother and the life she lives.

I remember one time a few years back my oldest brother called me. My grandmother had walked out of the house and could not find her way back. One of the people who lived in the neighborhood blocks away found her, realized what had happened and brought her back home. I wish America knew each other like that everywhere. You wouldn't have to worry about the elderly or your children, because everyone would be their neighbor's keeper. She was returned safely home. The man recognized Missionary Ruth Page, no longer as sprite and fiesty, but still a woman of God.

My grandmother is one of many women I admire who has had a profound and lasting impact on my life. She led me to Christ at 13, out in my backyard while making arts and crafts with me. No matter what she was doing in the ministry and community, she volunteered in the local schools, and made it to our school presentations. She stood up for us when it seemed like we would not reach the goals we needed and when society desired to make sure we were a statistic. She was always trying to give to us, show us how to use our own hands, and show us inexpensive ways of getting what we needed. There are so many lessons that I learned from her that this blog can do no justice to. I simply wanted to honor a snippet of my Black History.

Grandma, I love you forever. You taught me how to lead and love without limits or boundaries.

Monday, February 13, 2012

LOVING Leadership

Companies. Churches. Nations. What do they have in common? They all rise or fall on leadership. So, it stands to reason that if you are a leader, you want to do all that you can to be the best you can be, to improve in your leadership. If not, well, there is always someone who is studying your strengths and weaknesses. They might just become your successor. That won't be a bad thing if you are prepared to hand over the reigns. So, what does it take to be a better leader? You must first recognize that leadership that will be duplicated should flow out of love. Jesus, the Son of God, and the greatest leader this world has ever known, was the epitome of a leader whose influence flowed from a place of love.
Here's what LOVING leadership looks like using that very word.

Leadership should be:

Launchable: As a leader, we have to be able to cast the vision, equip those who will carry the vision, and then launch them. One of Peter the disciple's most admired traits was his sheer boldness to take Christ at his Word, and launch out. As a leader, you have to know when to tell the team to step out, stay on the boat, or dock it. The evidence of the success of your launch is not when you are at the helm, but when you are asleep below deck. Jesus' disciples were not yet ready for Pentecost, hence the refrain, "Master, carest not that we perish?" They still needed time to know Jesus purpose and mission for them.

Observable: There is nothing worse than someone directing you to do something, yet never taking time to model what it is they want or walk you through the process. Very few people are entirely audible learners, meaning most need HANDS on care. If the mission is always failing or aborted, go back and check whether you made the mission observable. Jesus never assumed the disciples knew how to spread the Gospel. He allowed them to walk with him in ministry. He mourned, He got angry, He rebuked, He danced, He hung out, He sung hymns. They saw the total leader, not just the PC side.

Validating: Almost as bad as blind directions is the feeling you are being set up to fail. As a leader it is imperative to affirm the mission and the messenger for the assignment. David was anointed as King not just in the field while herding sheep, but before all his kinsman. He was validated and therefore walked in a confidence and security that would have been lacking.

Involving: As a leader, it is important to get your hands dirty, and also allow people to be apart of the process and own the vision, goals, and mission of your organization. Yes, there is a time where leaders need to retreat and refuel, but there is also the time when leaders need to swing the golf club or make the 3-pointer with the company team.

Next Generation Minded: As a leader, you have to think beyond the now to what is to come. This requires prophetic eyes and insight. A leader will not build a vision around him or herself, but will equip the team with the principles that will carry the organization into the future, regardless of who is at the helm. Jesus left a playbook of instructions so that his mission could be easily understood, mass communicated, and duplicated at breakneck speed. Can your vision do the same?

Generous: If your organization or team is going to grow, you have to be willing to give, to invest in the team. You might do this through providing training, incentives, a better health package, opportunities to further education. A leader who is generous understands that people are the greatest investment property. Team members who are poured into will remain with an organization even in hard times. Why? Because they became vested in the success of what was invested in them.

So, Next Generation Leaders, have you provided loving leadership? If not, it isn't too late to strengthen the areas that need strengthening. May God bless the work of your company, ministry, and nation as you take leadership to the next level!