Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Word of The Lord for 2014

 This Word was delivered to me on December 26, 2013 after a time of retreat over the Christmas Break. Needless to say, it shook me. There are signs all around us that point to the imminent return of Christ. As leaders and as a Prophet of the Lord we have a responsibility to say at times what may not be popular. I know the Lord is not simply speaking to me but many other Prophets are hearing God's clarion call to prepare for the greatest days of the Church and the worst days of the lost. I have recorded this in multiple places as restrictions on free press are being brought to bear.
What does this Word require of Leaders?

1. Preparation
2. Stabilization
3. Fortification

Hebrews 12:28-29 lets us know we are receiving an unshakable Kingdom. I encourage you to set yourself in the Kingdom of God, seek the face of God and know His heart. He does not want us ignorant of what is to come. He will never fail us. We can place our trust in the unshakable Rock, Jesus Christ, as everything that can be shaken, will be. Let us remain prayerful and vigilant, praying for our country's return to Jesus Christ, not just patriotism or family values. We need the Lord and his sanctification to wash our imperfect systems. My prayer for you as a leader is that you will move with God and trust him now more than ever.

The Word of the Lord:

The line has been drawn.
You MUST pick a side.

You will begin to see the testing of Marshall Law in cities.
There will be rationing of food, energy resources, and it will be tested by cities so as to not cause widespread panic.
The presence of military in your cities will increase for what will be 'routine operations'.

There will be an unprecedented falling away from the Faith in African American assemblies.
Mainstream denominations will come out in full force false doctrine.
People will be forced to find stable ground as all they have held sacred and trusted confidently in is corrupted.

You will see the rise of the Councils of Gay Clergy and Clergy announcing that same sex is okay as they announce their own bi-sexuality.
A major Christian figure is coming out this year and it will shock the Christian World.

Another major disaster will happen this year in the USA.

You will see the Deification of Your President.

The best of times for Kingdom Mobilization is here and the worst of times for those living on the fringe of their salvation.

In order to keep jobs (state, county, federal) in 2014 you will have to accept anti-Christ orders.

There will be fluctuation and turmoil with markets. Brokers will not know whether they are coming or going.

Fasting will become a way of life. Discipline your body for denial not overindulgence

America is drinking her cup of wrath for unrepentance and yet I remain merciful because of the prayers of the righteous.

Strengthen those who remain in the Faith.

I am coming to pick up my tab for the unfaithful, unrighteous, the oppressor, the flowery false prophets, the lenient shepherds who will not teach the Truth.

- God, The Father

Pray over this Word, and ask God to make clear to you his will and your way forward in 2014.
We must position ourselves to be a beacon of truth to the next generation.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

36 for 36 (Life Nuggets)

 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning 
all things that are done under heaven: 
 this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man
  to be exercised therewith.
 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: 
 I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. 
   For in much wisdom is much grief: 
and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.  

Ecclesiastes 3:13, 17-18

Reading the above passage of scripture did me good: it did me good to know that I am not the only one, neither will I be the last, that God sends on a search to know wisdom, to glean from life the good and the bad, and that some of what we learn makes us sorrowful, and some makes us truly thankful. I was prompted by the Lord on turning 36 last month to think about 36 things that I could share, life lessons if you will, of what I have learned. Some of it may be old hat to you, and some may be things you had not considered. My prayer is that these lessons will cause you to, in your own way, to give your heart to knowing what is in it, what's in God's heart, and what lessons you can deposit and treasure while sharing with the next generation. So, here goes:   

36 Lessons in 36 Years 

1. People will do to you what they see you do to yourself. 

2. Your applauders are not always your backers or your investors. Some applaud you with speech, and some will applaud you with action and investment. Don't disparage any.

3. You may run out of time, but don't run out of Faith and Patience. Time doesn't move God. God moves time.

4.Hope floats on Faith's waters. 

5. Trust the Impossible to be exactly incorrect and adequately overwhelming. That's Impossible's JOB. Your job is to believe the Impossible.

6. Don't let persecution or praise phase you. Both could end or begin at any moment. Remain steady in Christ.

7. People hate to see their younger self in a successful you especially when their older self has not followed through. Don't let their self-condemnation be your self-reflection. Stay in the right mirror- the Word.

8. You live. You learn. You move on. You live.  You don't learn? You repeat.

9. Nothing is ever as it seems. Always ask questions.

10. Never fail to ask WHY or HOW. Those two unlock what to do with what you know.

11. The people who really like and the people who really hate you are never who you assume. Never. Refer back to #9

12. Hear what people are not saying: Eyes, Sighs, Smiles, Silences, and Laughter all speak.

13. Being ignored hurts more than outright hatred.

14. Love hard. It's one of the attributes that will be visible in heaven and countable in souls.

15. Never trust the person who promises the World and has shown you no map or compass.

16. Hard work does not guarantee excellent work, sound work, or intelligent work. Sweat does not equal quality. 

17. You can be so dumb that stupidity looks appealing. 

18. Believe it when God says it; test it when man says it.

19. The person trying to tear you down is already broken and trying to build themselves back up with another man's self worth.

20.Take time to think. Don't be afraid to be alone with God's heart concerning your thoughts. He will counsel your mind if you hand him your thoughts.

21. A person who doesn't value their own life will squander yours. 

22. You do NOT have to let people violate your spiritual space and self to prove you can be open. There are soul rapers in the spiritual world just as there are in the natural.

23. Only you can contribute you to the world. Stop waiting for someone to 'discover' you. Discover yourself and let God distribute s He wills.

24. Listen to people who did NOT accomplish their goals. Their regrets can teach you how to live a life of resilience rather than surrender. Their regret can reveal setbacks you may miss from always gleaning from successful people. There were LURES that took them into Failure that you won't find in Success.

25. Cursing people out has never gotten any permanent good accomplished. Just don't.

26. People may terrorize you (or attempt to) because they live  in a world of personal terror and it is the only time they get to inflict pain. When you let them know that you know- they will stop.

27. Calm your fears by speaking the Word of God to them. Out loud.

28. You can build a sure foundation from the bricks people throw. Learn how to catch.

29. You cannot win over someone who believes that God has called them to lose. #pick your battles

30. No matter what "hellish" problem you face, God really does hold the key to it. (Rev. 1:18) It's always wise to ask the Door (John 10) for the key out.

31. No one is really interested in how gifted you are if they cannot see how that gift connects to the human need to be loved, valued, and cared for. Your gift must be seen as a connector, transformer, or improver of life. 

32. All it takes is ONE person to obey God concerning you (Luke 6:38). Pray for the people around you to obey God concerning you.

33. This prayer changed and is changing my life: Father, let my earthly existence match my Heavenly reality. Let me be as I already am in you.

34. Nothing happens until some one changes. If nothing is happening, ask yourself, "Am I changing in the direction of God?" 

35. God will pull out of you and present you to yourself in the measure that you lay down yourself and put on Christ.

36. God will forbid you intimacy with some people because they are looking to expose you not cover you. God is jealous (protecting what he values) for you. Whatever God tells you about a human's heart, believe Him.

I trust you learned something! Leave a comment, share a # that stuck out to you, and share something God has taught you! Looking forward to hearing from you!