Sunday, October 9, 2011

Knowing Who You Are

There seems to be a rampant disease infecting the Body of Christ right now. It's called identity crisis. This disease affects nearly everything about a believer and more seriously, it affects how they will lead. When you don't know who you are in Christ as a leader, you will lead from a place of fear, and not faith, from a place of paranoia, and not power, from a place of suspicion, and not trust, from a place of insecurity, and not from a place of assurance in Christ.

I became a minister at the seemingly tender age of 19, and I can honestly say, very little has changed about how people react to a young woman doing ministry under 40. As a next generation leader, you cannot afford to lead by the seat of your pants. You can't afford to lead based on how people feel. As a poet said, "your playing small doesn't serve the world." I agree. We have a real enemy that is out to use anyone who is open to be used. Often times the way he enters the church is through another sister or brother who is not quite sure of their own place in the Body of Christ. Insecurity, envy, and jealousy can set in, which opens them up to whispering, gossiping, malice, and sowing discord amongst the bretheren, all in an effort to discredit their brother or sister to take the emphasis off the real issue: lack of self-esteem or God confidence.

I can point out three men in the Bible who experienced what I call "legislated hate campaigns". Daniel, David, and Mordecai were men of prominence, who were operating under God's power and authority, and people took issue with it. Let me make clear that none of these men were seeking a position of prominence. They were gifted with certain skills and abilities, and that alone made them the target.

Some, right now, are finding themselves the target of smear campaigns, hate campaigns, simply for being who you are. Cheer up! If you are following God, He is with you, as he was with Joseph. Your hiding your gifts and skills are not going to stop the attacks. I encourage you to submit yourself to God and let Him defend you. The attacks against you are only meant to lure you into a place of bitternes, anger, pride, or retaliation, which would render your effectiveness null and void.

There are five things you should understand about who you are, especially if you are a young leader:

1. You are Christ's agent. You carry out God's plan and not your own. You don't have to justify God's agenda. He has a way of making known his will to those who would come against it. Time and again in scripture God spoke directly to those who opposed Him or His people.

2. You are a legitimate Son in the Faith. Why is this important? If no one ever mentors you physically, takes you under their wing, or validates you, God has accepted you as His. He is Father God, and nothing can surpass his rulership. I've seen leaders abuse this title as a means of control and abuse, and manipulation. Know that your Sonship has to do with your right relationship with God. Yes, he sends wonderful men of God to shepherd us, but ultimately God is the head of every true church. A true Father in the ministry will want to see you do greater works. They will not discredit you, harm you, abuse you, or take advantage of your serving in ministry.

3. You are entrusted to proclaim the message of the Gospel. Your responsibility is to deliver the Gospel. Not pop culture. Not the latest political news. The Gospel. A relevant message shouldn't leave out the Gospel truth. As young leaders, there is a temptation to pull away from the foundational teaching of God's Word. We must not only stick to the facts, we must stick to the faith, and not assume that everyone has heard the Truth.

4. You are proclaiming under God's orders. God has called every Christian into the ministry of reconciliation, of gathering souls back to Him. No one is exempt. He has given us tools to do it. Whether you are a writer, dancer, runner, nurse-- whatever gifts and skills you have, they can be used to play a part in bringing a soul to Christ, to share the love of God through helping another, caring for someone, participating in a marathon for a cure, etc. If you must have a title, let it be Ambassador of God, Reconciler of God, Good News Specialist (felt that in my spirit!)!

5. You are to recieve all that Jesus, God the Father, and The Holy Spirit give you to do. From personal experience, I can tell you I used to think a lot, not speak. I was terrified of getting in front of anyone. I had stage fright. But when I gave my heart to Jesus, he gave me boldness and confidence
and now, some of my friends couldn't even picture me like that. I was so thankful to be free of fear that I promised God I would take however many gifts he wanted to give me. At one point the Holy Spirit told me, "you have more because some are not using what they have been given." I determined to never be a person that sat on my gifts, skills, and abilities. I am still determined, and God is still adding.

I encourage you to really begin to ask God who you are in Him. You will be surprised what He is calling YOU to be, do, and accomplish for His Glory.


For further study, check out Titus 1:1-4

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