Sunday, November 6, 2011

Healing Begins At The House

Sin is never an easy subject. Why? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Our sins were laid on the Lord. We were found guilty and stood deserving of the full measure of judgement...BUT GOD. As I was in prayer, the Lord began to deal with me about OUR Nation. Its amazing that when we talk about the sins of the Nation, very rarely do you hear the word "our" included. When Nehemiah prayed, when Daniel prayed, they prayed that God would deliver, but they didn't leave themselves out. After all, they were Jews, they were dealing with the effects and fallouts of the sins committed by the nation, though they may not have personally committed them. In other words, Sin affects us all. There were 9 things the Lord spoke to me about in regards to the USA. But He didn't stop there. He said, "These sins reflect what is in my House."

As I share these, I hope that you will join me in prayer for the healing of Our Nation and also for the Healing of Our churches. 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives us the secret to healing for the land: The people who belong to God must pray, and seek His face, and turn from OUR wicked ways. My local church body will enter into a time of prayer, praise, and fasting from November 7-11. I will continue on until November 30. I believe the Church is at a make or break point. We are at a precipice. We will either choose God, or choose a Form of God. Either way, a decision must be made.

9 Sins of the USA reflected in the Church

1. Abortion of the unborn- There has been a silencing of the Great Commision in many local bodies. There has been an abortion of new-born disciples.

2. Homosexuality- This is not only sexual sin, but an imbalance in ministry, an unnnatural affection. Male dominated or Female dominated, a subjection of one sex to the other . It is the denial of the opposite sex and the cleaving to of your own sexThere is neither male nor female in Christ.

3. Greed-This is not only dealing with finances, but a hoarding of the Truth. An unwillingness to release revelation that will free people and a deliberate twisting of the truth to manipulate giving.

4. Rape of the Land/Resources- Hirelings are at the forefront of many local assemblies. There is an abuse of the laity, a slave mentality bred into the believer, to live below standard.

5. Murder- Speaking ill of and assasinating the character of the leaders that God has established.

6. Predjudice- Catering only to those who look like us, think like us, grew up with us. Isolating those who don't fit the traditional mold of the local body.

7. Pride- Thinking our denomination or non-denomination, or Movement, is the only true move of God

8. Division- Not settling differences the Biblical way; involving the world in Ecclesiastical affairs.

9. Loveless- Becoming indifferent to your fellow sister or brother in Christ; Running to save the world in an escape to avoid what issues need to be dealt with in the Body. The world will know who we are by our love for one another.

One thing the Lord was very clear on: "It will get worse before it gets better."

When the children of God pray, the prophets prophesy, the Apostles mobilize, the Pastors shepherd, the Evangelists deliver the Good News, and the Teachers equip through the Spirit of God the terror of the Lord will be upon the nations.

God will deal with the Communities of Falsehood, the cities that entertain wickedness, wink at sin, and open the floodgates of His anger and wrath against the ungodly. False prophets and False Communities that allow sin to remain, tolerating, sparing, or shielding, rather than rebuking, reproving, and correcting. There is a reckoning coming between God and Man. My desire is to be found on the Lord's side.

Join me in prayer:

Lord, forgive our sins. Heal our Land. Restore us and cause us to be lights in every place. Begin with Us, your people. We repent. Bring us back to our first love. Help us to continually renounce that which is not like you. Open our eyes. You said if we were otherwise minded, You would reveal it to us. Thank you that as You reveal, we will be honest with our selves and repent. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

Further Reading: Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 12, 13, 2 Peter 3:14,17,18,

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