Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Leaders Are: Four OUTstanding Things

Have you ever been in the midst of a crowd of people, yet one person seemed to stand out amongst them? Have you ever been minding your business while browsing a store, and someone came to you for help? Have you ever been reading your paper in a cafe, curled up with a fresh cup of coffee, when you were politely interrupted by someone who thought you had all the answers? Though these instances happen to most of us at some point, they don't usually happen all the time...unless you're a leader.

Here are four OUTstanding things, or simply things that stand out about true leaders. Whether in the classroom, boardroom, or the sanctuary, Leaders, can be identified. Leaders are Readers, Writers, Thinkers, and Speakers. If you plan to be an effective leader, you must take every opportunity to maximize these components. Here are some tips on all four.

Leaders are Readers.
  • They read daily
  • They read variety
  • They read people, not just books
Leaders keep their minds fresh and their knowledge accurate, current, and relevant. They utilize all forms of technology and read a variety of material, the Bible being their primary source against which every other source of "so-called" advice or wisdom is measured up against. They translate head knowledge into people knowledge. It's no  good to a leader to read books, yet not understand people. The best leader synergizes what he knows with who he knows.

Leaders are Writers.
  • They write daily
  • They write their plan and progress
  • They write everyone
  • They write using every form of technlogy available

Leaders write daily. They keep before them their to do list, their follow-up list, and they are constantly progressing, filtering out what is priority versus what is trivial. Leaders write their plan and progress. Whether by journaling or Ipad notekeeping, leaders keep written record of their plan, progression, changes, triumphs, and disappointments. Leaders write everyone. By this, I mean that leaders communicate with their Mentors and Mentees, but they also take time to personally thank the little old lady that sent a handwritten note about how their ministry or business impacted her. As Bishop T.D. Jakes stated recently at a leadership conference I attended, "I maximize my waiting time and tweet to individuals who have questions." If the Mega-church Pastor can do it, you can too.
Leaders are Thinkers.
  • They think positively
  • They think futuristically
  • They think in a prepared place
  • They think in motion
Leaders spend as little time as possible with Mr.Shoulda, Mr.Would Have, and Mrs. Could Have. They are all about keeping their mental space infused with the strength and energy of positivity. If you are negative, leaders will point you to the door faster than you can say, "goodbye". Leaders think ahead. Not, 1 day ahead. Not one week ahead. Pastor Rick Warren, when planning his ministry, he created a plan 40 years ahead. Why? Because he knows the vision is bigger than one person. Leaders think in a prepared place. There are times when they need to get away to renew their mind and perspective. Leaders think in motion. Leaders understand that constant thought is the key to constant progression. Jesus, spent most of his earthly ministry thinking in motion, and teaching the disciples along the way.
 Leaders are Speakers.

Leaders speak life
Leaders speak purposefully
Leaders speak to everyone

Leaders speak life. They are intentional in what they say and do, and are constantly looking to help others grow, deveolp, mature, and change for the better. Leaders speak to the janitor, the mail carrier, the farmhand, the secretary, the CFO, the significant other. Leaders don't take for granted that a smile, a simple hello, a cordial question can change a heart or an attitude. Leaders see everyone as having signficance and value. It's a huge part of what makes them a leader.

So, take some time to do all four things that make you OUTstanding. May your leadership improve, and your influence increase as you do the things that make you stand out from the crowd.

Keep Leading!

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