Monday, January 26, 2015

Energy Leaks

Leadership takes energy. Jesus knew how to direct his energy and he left us a great example. He refused to engage in debates with the scribes who wanted to argue and not learn. Jesus never wasted energy with the religious. He knew his mission was to save those who needed a physician. Jesus never wasted energy begging people or manipulating people to follow him. His ministry campaign was simple: Follow Me.

He always kept moving and told the disciples to do the same if they were not received. "Wipe the dust from your feet." and "Don't give your pearls to swine." are very direct approaches. Jesus knew how important it was to share his treasure with the people who could receive it.

Jesus was AWARE of the energy he carried, that divine virtue that emanated from him. It was so tangible, that he KNEW when it left him with the woman who had the issue of blood.

This begs the question: Do we have energy leaks? Do we allow the divine presence that God has placed in us to be depleted by words, distractions, or being busy in the wrong things?

As leaders, we must realize that we can become depleted and we must make guarding the energy we have a priority. How can we do so? Let's use the acronym energy:

Examine your current schedule and be willing to release draining activities
Never be afraid to use the word NO.
Evaluate the relationships that are closed to you- are they draining or depositing?
Refuel in the presence of the Lord daily.
Get a grip on gratitude, grace, and giving- they are energy refuelers
Yield to the Holy Spirit's promptings to rest

You've got a mandate to fulfill and you've got to have the energy to get it done. I pray that you will avoid energy leaks and that your life energy will be poured into the right people, places, and purposes.

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